Capcom Fan-Art
(Click the cropped/censored images for the full versions (Archive Gallery password required.)
This is all playful parody– don’t sue me.

Blanka by JC (2007)
Looked back at my old blog post to get a clue as to what I should write here and was reminded by all the comments of the popularity of this piece. Everything just clicks from the shiny hair to the jungle fruit between his legs- lol. One of the few older works I can look back on and not have the urge to redo!
Looked back at my old blog post to get a clue as to what I should write here and was reminded by all the comments of the popularity of this piece. Everything just clicks from the shiny hair to the jungle fruit between his legs- lol. One of the few older works I can look back on and not have the urge to redo!
Abel by JC (2009)
Abel is cute but like most of the new stuff in Street Fighter 4, somewhat yawn inspiring. It’s a good thing he has this alternate singlet outfit or else he would have never made it to my sketchpad! Enjoy this drawing and the raunchy NUDE, ERECT rollover version.
Abel is cute but like most of the new stuff in Street Fighter 4, somewhat yawn inspiring. It’s a good thing he has this alternate singlet outfit or else he would have never made it to my sketchpad! Enjoy this drawing and the raunchy NUDE, ERECT rollover version.

GEEF (2009)
So is it just me or has Zangief art gotten way more… monstrous than when he was first introduced? This piece was a response to that feeling, although in retrospect, he may be almost too cute here. Kindly ROLL OVER for a beardless version! And if you have a password, just click if you wanna see his fat Russian dong in varied states!
So is it just me or has Zangief art gotten way more… monstrous than when he was first introduced? This piece was a response to that feeling, although in retrospect, he may be almost too cute here. Kindly ROLL OVER for a beardless version! And if you have a password, just click if you wanna see his fat Russian dong in varied states!
Haggar Lays Pipe (2007)
I think this guy is an ingenious character– A city mayor who takes the law into his own hands… along with a few knives… and pipes. Slightly upset he’s never been playable in a Street Fighter even though all his little lackeys and his clone, Zangief have.
I think this guy is an ingenious character– A city mayor who takes the law into his own hands… along with a few knives… and pipes. Slightly upset he’s never been playable in a Street Fighter even though all his little lackeys and his clone, Zangief have.

Street Fighter Life Drawing Series (2009)
The model for this session had one of those killer bods that just really inspired muscle-bound fan art for me!
Get a password to check out the two monster-dicked ones below!

That Girl Is Poison (2011)
This was to celebrate Capcom’s willingness to interpret this character as trans! (Though her tucking must be quite skillful if she’s really as hung as I made ‘er! haha!
This was to celebrate Capcom’s willingness to interpret this character as trans! (Though her tucking must be quite skillful if she’s really as hung as I made ‘er! haha!

Half Nelson (2008)

Truce (2008)
Jin Super Combo (2011)
Done as a trade for Bloodiax animating some of my drawings! (I kinda think Bloodiax likes Jin!)
Jin is a character I was always fascinated by, just because of that crazy dynamite clothes move. If you don’t know, the guy’s outfit will float off him and then explode in the opponent’s face, while Jin rubs his near-naked body with his scarf. (Yea, what!? lol) But I thought I needed to reference that in this fan art.
Lots of different states this time around! It’s a bit of a story– haha! Enjoy!

Felipe the Cat-Boy (2012)
Here’s a gender-bent Felicia from DarkStalkers for ya! I really love Felicia’s sprite and wanted to give it homage somehow. You’ll love the “messy” one in this set! It’s very cute– grab a password and check it out!

Explosive Slugger (2007)
Here’s my favorite character from what I feel is one of the most fun and innovative fighting games of all time! Rival Schools’ hot-tempered Shoma is self-conscious about his height and carries a gigantic baseball bat everywhere he goes. Well, 2 gigantic baseball bats in my version.

Mega Bulge (2002)
OK, compared to most of my work, I’ve no real right to call this a bulge! And yet, when I drew it, his bulge was still the point of focus for most people!
For some reason, when I drew this, I really just didn’t see the inherent danger. I can’t believe I got so far without noticing. I keep it online to remind me to just fuckin’ think more about my drawings sometimes– haha.