Exhibition Series’
All original works in traditional media (no digital) specifically for exhibition.
RED DOT ● = SOLD (Contact me if interested in buying an unsold piece.)
Glitter Bomb Series (2022)
First time showing work in person post pandemic! Around this time I was also experimenting with text on drawings but ultimately decided against it. The only thing that was going to cover up all my word sketching was opaque black paint. Atop that, I used glitter paint and markers, I guess because I like attention.
Included all the alternates AND process photos this time! Really love having that record when it’s a physical piece. Full versions on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glitter-bomb-65151407
Glitter Bomb Drakaar (2022)
I collect interesting paper instead of drawing backgrounds on my sexy male anatomy studies. This was black wax paper you’re meant to scratch away to reveal a colorful cosmic design underneath. Also some glitter paint and metallic marker thrown on there to match the rest in this series. Pro artist tip: Kids art supplies are inexpensive and FUN!
Somewhat regret not sketching that background out first. I pictured that as way more subtle in my head. Uncensored = https://www.patreon.com/posts/glitter-bomb-66806097
Glitter Bomb Preston (2022)
Prolific dick art collector Charles Leslie bought this one, which is always a personal ego boost. Full version available on Patreon and DeviantArt.
Annual group show I do almost every year but only found out this time about a month before. (Too late to dissuade the curator from using that name.)
Nevertheless, I quickly finished up several recent sketches speckled metallic or glitter paint in the backgrounds while also working on my first large scale painting in a long time!
Last time I used acrylic paint or an 18×24” canvas was literally 20 years ago in art school! Unfamiliar media is scary and frustrating… but also liberating and fun as fuck. So yea, I friggin’ PAINT now!
Developed from a life drawing, I took a lotta pics of the progress, including many with stuff for size context cuz I never work so big. Full version of each step on my Patreon.
My display at Erotic Desire, the sixth annual gay art fair I’ve participated in a few times before. It’s a good mix of traditional media drawings demonstrating my current exploration of bold, punchy color.
Joshua Portrait (2016)
Gabriel’s Butt (2016)●
A Tad Expectant (2016)

The unicorn was definitely the most talked about / photographed piece (surprisingly with women too!) There was also a very positive response to the assiness of this collection, particularly the two cropped ass pics. Gonna try and develop this technique more in the future!
Reclining Dude Back View – Colored Version (2016)

Franko’s Butt (2016)●
Baby Boi (2016)

Drakaar Leaning (2016)

One After Another (2016)●
Dirty Little Drawings (2016)
Mostly reworked and cropped old pieces but still created some new ones for Dirty Little Drawings, a semi-annual group art show where all the work is set at a fixed price and scale, 5×5. With the walls covered by hundreds of uniformly hung affordable erotic artworks, the event creates a bit of a frenzy as hundreds of patrons hunt for and buy up all the smut they handle!

Sparkle Series (2014)

Rock Out Cock Out (2014)●
You Runty Puny Nobody (2014)

Feel My Baton (2014) ●
DJ Tad (2014) ●

Kirby Dots 4 Yer Ass (2014) ●
Tucker the Gamemaster (2014) ●
(Click for full version.
Archive Gallery Password required!)
Dirty Little Drawings (2015)

Boys and Their Butts Series (2013)
Using mostly watercolor pencil, here are 3 teensy little postcard-sized ass-centric drawings.

One of my regular patrons said once “Do you have anything without a penis? I just don’t want to have look at you and think of nothing but big penises.” To which I replied jokingly “Um, why not? That’s the point of the work!” lol Nevertheless, I still created this torso series sometime later, I guess for my more phallophobic followers. The bigger ones are about 8×10 and the smaller ones are 2.5 x 3.5 Sketch Cards, a popular format for fan-art. Sketch Cards are cute but besides the difficulty of working so tiny, I kinda have the problem of always misplacing them!
Ryu (2013) / Bishop (2013) ● / Batman (2013) ●
Green Lantern (2013) / Luke Cage (2013) / Wolverine (2013)

The Passion (2011) ●
Chris’ Lazy Wank Redo (2011) ●
Big Hairy Martin Redo (2011) ●
Makin’ It Juicy Series (2011)
The markers I use are really great for flesh rendering, something that my in-person audience hadn’t really seen at that point.
We could say the limited color and negative space were to emphasize the flesh rendering but the real reason for that is well… the only thing I like to color is flesh– haha.
Six are original concepts and the rest are reworked life drawings from model.
In college, there was a Marker Techniques class and the teacher was kinda out of his fucking mind. The “technique” was basically to use the blender marker heavily or “MAKE IT JUICY” as he so often put it.
Paul Points Right Redo (2011) ●
Fuck Yea Redo (2011) ●
Splashy Tyler Redo (2011)

Pharoah Stud (2011)
Chris’ Sleepy Wank Redo (2011) ●
Riley’s Socks Redo (2011)

Angelic Damian Redo (2011) ●

Pert Butt Orona Redo (2011) ●

Corey and Jim Embrace Redo (2011) ●

Mike’s Pit Redo (2011) ●