Radial Symmetry Drawing 01: Pac-Life
Radial Symmetry Drawing 03: Rainbow Launch
Radial Symmetry Drawing 02: All Swirl
Radial Symmetry Drawing 04: Cock Hungry
Yea, number 4 is the only one of these new radial symmetry ipad drawings my audience is gonna care about– but I thought you’d need the others for context. I used to work in textiles and actually really love designing patterns so it comes out in my porn art from time to time. 😉
Omg, I love these so much! I don’t know if it’s the square form factor or what, but something about these makes me want to design my own origami paper. A friend of mine buys indie fabric designed by unique individuals on some website and then makes them into dresses. This kinda makes me imagine clothes with sexy, borderline obscene patterns on them, hahaha. I’m not sure which is my favorite though. The 3rd is so “stained glass”, I just LOVE it! But the first has that pacman theme I can’t help but geek out over. I guess they’re all just too awesome to pick a fave! I especially liked how they’d reach a point where I was like, “Wow! That was awesome!” but then they’d keep getting more and more intricate! Super fun to watch! Almost kinda meditative/therapeutic actually, hahaha.
So glad you like these bro! I’m so worried about posting non-erotic art so thanks for letting me know you’re into it! They are really fun to do and I have dozens more on my ipad- not sure if/when I’ll post them. Also, being a textile designer AND erotica artist means I think about obscene fabric patterns almost all the time! lol. Thinking about making a phallic paisley and throwing it on Society6 or something. Someone made a gorgeous floral that’s all dicks when you look close! It’s incredible.
I am tinkering with more Pacman themed ones like these– like actual Pacman boards– I’ll show you over email. Like you said, they’re very therapeutic to work on. I find that it calms me down in a way that I think those adult coloring books are supposed to work. Thanks for taking the time to let me know about these– feedback is so essential! Enough folks have commented on the x-rated one that I’m definitely going to explore this more!