Pedro y Pablo

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  • April 13, 2008
When I was 14, I got a scholarship to a snooty private high school because of a test I took. But I absolutely HATED any work that I had to take home with me. I avoided studying and cramming and research like the plague. The only thing that kept me kinda on par with all the stupid little future ivy leaguers was that I was a good test taker. Well, that and my ability to get out of reports by handing in comics and illustration instead!

Pedro y Pablo was for sophomore Spanish class, I think, and I’m pretty sure the official assignment was some kind of research project. I instead chose to write and illustrate a violent children’s book. No fair laughing at my crazy hands and feet, okay? Whaddaya want, I was 14!

Pedro y Pablo Habia una vez dos chicos gemelos que eran muy diferentes entre si: Pedro y Pablo. (Once upon a time, there were 2 twin boys who couldn’t be any less alike: Pedro and Pablo.)

Pedro era listo, exitoso y tenia una hermosa novia llamada Raquel. Pablo era malvado. (Pedro was smart, successful, and had a beautiful girlfriend named Raquel. Pablo was evil.)

Los padres de ambos sabian que habia algo mal con Pablo cuando mato a los othros bebes en el hospital donde habia nacido. (The boys’ parents knew something was wrong with Pablo when he killed the other babies in the hospital where he was born.)Por lo que se deshicieron de el. (So they sent him away.)Pablo se convirtio en un ciminal y asi un dia acabo en la carcel. (Pablo grew up to be a criminal and was eventually locked up.)Los siquiatras de la prision, sin embargo, diagnosticaron que la maldad de Pablo ero producto de genes defectuosos y una mala crianza. (However, prison psychiatrists said that Pablo was evil because of bad genes and faulty parenting.)Cuando salio de la carcel Pablo se vengo de sus padres pegandoles un tiro en la cabeza. Luego ato a su hermano y lo escondio en el baul del carro. (When released, Pablo took revenge on his parents by shooting them in the heads. He then tied his brother up and hid him in the trunk of his car.)
Pablo se posesiono de la vida de Pedro. Convirtio a sus amigos estudiosos en gangsters y a Raquel en una prostituta. (Pablo took over Pedro’s life, turning his nerd friends into gangstas and Raquel into a ho.)Pero con su nuevo novio, Raquel se sintio llena de vida. Juntos se embarcaron en una ola de crimenes. (Raquel finally felt alive with her new man. Together they went on a crime spree.)
Cuando por fin lorgo escaparse, Pedro intento retomar el control de su vida pero Raquel le metio un tiro en la ingle. (When Pedro finally escaped and proceeded to take his life back, Raquel shot him in the groin.) La moraleja es que no vale la pena ser bueno en la vida. (The moral of this story is that it does not pay to be nice.)
Yeah, I am pretty embarrassed about the ridiculous violence in this. What can I say? The late 80’s and early 90’s were all about blood and giant automatic weapons. That was “in.” Also, back then, being in the closet, I felt that I definitely needed a “hook” or “trademark” for my work to detract for any ambient gayness it might exude. The shock value of gratuitous violence was my hook.

Now it’s fat penises.


  • dreamerboy6 says:

    Wow! JC! I must say, I DEFINITELY prefer your current artwork, lol. Growing up in Utah, I was completely sheltered from the violent aspects of the era. It’s funny though, because I took Spanish in high school too. I can’t even begin to imagine turning in an assignment like this. XD My teachers would have flipped a lid. ^_^ By the way, as fun as it is to see your old stuff, I LOVE the modern version of Pedro y Pablo! VERY hot! You know how I love the hairy chests and all. =)

  • batsu says:

    I prefer the new version of these 2 hunks! 🙂 but the old version was really fun!

  • RDot says:

    Nice to see Pedro grew his junk back

  • Hatsumomo says:

    I certainly hope that this is your doing

  • DJ (Sarumaru) says:

    LOL! That story was hilarious.. Though, I had to read it in Spanish to get the full effect. XD

  • Chubtoons says:

    Mmmmm…!Son dos hermanos muy deliciosos!…or something like that. (my spanish is horrible)
    I love the new versions. You should have them violently raping each other. Hehehe…

  • DigitalMirage says:

    HAHAHAHAH! OMG! I so loved that story. That was awsome, im pretty sure at one point everyone dreams of doing somthing like that. Specially the groin shooting. LOL! And I loved the classic doodles, makes me frightfully remember the times of myself in school drawing similar things. Awe, memories. 🙂

  • Keith says:

    Wow, were you really 14? It’s not that I can’t believe the artwork–though it’s exceptionally tight and snazzy for 14–but that I can’t believe the Spanish! When I was 14, the Spanish level we were at was “Por favor, señorita, ¿cuál es la fecha de hoy?”

    Anyway, very clever and fun!

  • jimboylan2 says:

    I am glad to see from the last photo in the original post that the boys are still in good health. In what issue of your comic will they 1st appear?

  • foxy loxy says:

    You made me lol with that last comment. 😀 Just wanted to let you know that I’m back with a new post and another on the way!

  • Tomas says:

    hahaha I loved the comic. Good to know Pedro still has his manhood.
    And the cop was a cutie, you should draw him too 😉

  • DEVILMAN says:

    that story was great, i bet your teachers was very puzzled with it
    also muy buen español xp

  • JC says:

    Hiyo, Dreamerboy. Yeah, I REALLY pushed the envelope when it came to assignments in school. And teachers never really felt like they could say anything becasue they didn’t want to discourage my art! They were always making xeroxes and getting me to sign them– haha. Other kids were so jealous! Haw Haw you harvard/yale bastards! You worked your asses off and I drew! Nyah!

    Glad u like, Batsu. Yes, I prefer the new ones too. They dont have deformed hands– which is a good thing.

    LOL, RDot! Yunno, I was actually struggling with that. How do I reconcile having a Pedro with a fat willy exist when his ex apparently shot it off?! Let’s just say the story takes place in an alternate universe while in Clydeworld land, everyone’s hot and gay and has a cock.

    Hi, Hatsumono– thanks for the lookout. It’s definetely me over at Deviant. I like too many people’s art on there to shun it any longer.

    Yo Sarumaru! Glad you could understand it in Spanish, cuz I sure can’t! It’s been ages since I took Spanish and I only guessed what the translation was from memory. I hope it’s accurate!

    Hey Chubtoons! Um… 2 brothers very delicious?? haha– my Spanish is not great either! Action between the twins? Awfully tempting, but so far, I’ve yet to show any penetration between ANY of my twin characters. Somehow, I’m convincing myself that it’s less scandalous to show them posing together with erections. >__< Glad you like the story, DigitalMirage! I can honestly not name a single person I’d ever want to shoot in the groin. Granted, I do have my enemies– but shootin’ someone’s dick off seems like the ultimate evil. I’d rather be an amputee than lose my weiner. LOL @ your comment, Keith! Well, you know I had help back then! I showed the rough to my teacher and she helped– and I also had an exchange student from Argentina look it over. hehe. Good question, Jimboylan! No plans for them to show up anywhere just yet… although there could be room for them in Persuasions… hmmm… Hey Foxy– thanks for stoppin’ by! I commented on your latest post. You’e totally right, Tomas! The cop definetely deserves a gay erotic revamp. We’ll see. Hi Devilman! Thanks for the compliments on my Spanish. Like I said, No way I know what any of that says now. But yeah, maybe back when I was a sophomore, I coulda held a convo en Espanol. >__< Thanks everyone for the positive response on this post! I feel so much more comfortable posting old artwork now! Take care, kids! xoxo

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