Black History Month: Caleb

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  • February 13, 2009
So I couldn’t do so much yammering about black fictional characters in celebration of Black History Month without including my own: Caleb.

My experience in the U.S. wherein blacks are a minority, has caused me to feel a responsibility to include at least one major black character in every set of illustrations / characters I create. Some might call this tokenism, but I don’t think that necessarily has to have negative connotation. Growing up, I was always more apt to consume media that included your “token” black character. I saw these media as integrated, which was important to me.

Tokenism is bad when the black character is a stereotype or when OTHER token traits are applied to him. Like when the token black character is also the token nerd… or token fatty… or token midget… or token foreigner… or token indeterminate race character. Instances like that single the character out, which is counter-productive to the idea of their inclusion in the first place.

Rant, rant, preach, preach, I know, I’m sorry. But I swear, if I see another show where the black one is a wimpy awkward skinny ugly geek with big-ass glasses, I’m going to stab myself.

Anyway, enjoy this latest drawing of Caleb, the black Anti-Hero. I hope what I’ve done with this guy is create a character who is defined by more than his skin color. He’s the brain and the leader, which for me naturally progressed to become this sort-of bossy megalomaniacal mercenary. He’s also very handsome and knows it, like he knows everything, but doesn’t flaunt it. He prefers to flaunt his intelligence and commanding personality. And… his dick. That’s one stereotype I’m happy to perpetuate.


  • Jezza says:

    That was a pretty deep post, JC. I love it. I couldn’t agree with ya more…I was gonna add my 2 cents, but no need. You summed up my feelings on the matter perfectly.

    Caleb looks HOT. This card should be printed and sold in card shops.

  • RDot says:

    Caled is pretty damn hot and sexy. He is MY favorite Anti-Hero even if he isn’t the most popular.

    I actually do agree with most of what you said about tokenism except that when the black or (insert any) ethnic character is included in an ALL-White cast, the fact that they are their scream blatant token and doesn’t come off, to me at least, as an authentic attempt at integration. That character either then acts just as the other characters around him/her, negating the fact that they are black, kind of becoming just like every other character, but only black or latino or a fetish, kind of a flavor of the moment or choice inclusion…or they are ‘hood’ or ghetto or country ghetto, becoming even more caricature-istic and a fetish..i hope that makes sense…

  • RDot says: bad

  • Kristophe says:

    Well said, and very appropriate.

  • Anonymous says:

    Thank you for looking out for black people.

    We aren’t represented very well in the media and I find a lot of artist don’t draw black people as desirable or sexy so it nice to see your artwork

    You treat every one equally and thats admirable

    Thank you for aknowledging this month as well most other bloggers are just talking about valentines

  • Patrick says:

    Hey JC…

    Very well put, my friend! You may think you were ranting, but you actually stated some very important points!

    As for Caleb, he’s a very sexy and compelling character — and this image is ample proof of his massive studliness! It’s gorgeous! You should be very proud of this character! At the end of the day, he is much more (and stands for much more) than just a killer bod and a massive toon cock! :o) And I don’t thin that is lost on yours truly, or your other fans!

    Big Luv to ya — and oh yeah — Happy Valentine’s day to you and your man!

    Hugz + kisses,
    Patrick XOXO

  • Z-Maker says:

    Awww…I do not get to this site as frequently as I used to. And reading this gem of a post, definitely reflects my own thoughts and feelings as well, JC. Keep the Diversity free and the representation on-point. You do both incredibly well.

    Much Love,


  • Wonder Man says:

    I agree with you

  • Anonymous says:

    Great blog you have JC, but I have to agree with RDot. He spoke my sentiments exactly about tokenism. How can there only be ONE Black person in an ENTIRE TOWN? Yet, that is how almost every single current television show is portrayed. One stereotype of the “token” that I am seeing more and more of is the effeminate, finger-snappin’, eye-rollin’, neck-twirlin’, gay queen sidekick. All of a sudden, the only Black man that can exist in a cast of whites is a flaming queen who talks like Jackée Haree from 227. The implications are just too numerous to discuss here.

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