I’m a Rockstar

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  • May 23, 2010

(Powered-Down Version = Roll Over)

(Sexy Naked Uncut Brit Rocker Boy Version =
Anti-Heroes.net > Members Gallery > FanBoy)

Generation X started off so strong. Those kids were such an interesting group. I really wanted them to go far.

I admit, Chamber wasn’t my favorite on the team. But I very much appreciated his presence and felt he was a much needed jolt to the X-Men franchise.

But there was something I feel like they never really solidified… “What’s under the fire?” They say that his flesh was obliterated when he first used his power, but if there’s nothing there, why is there outline of a chin when he’s covered up?

Well, to solve this conundrun, my version of Jono does have flesh underneath the psi-fire. And let’s just say that maybe underneath it is a sexy angsty rocker boy!

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