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  • June 15, 2010

GENERAL PRIDE needs a backstory. I’m leaving that up to you dudes!

And don’t forget to ROLL OVER for the sexy battle damaged version! What happened to General Pride to make him so… ravaged?! You dudes can come up with that too. Lazy.


  • Jubell says:

    LOL, you know what they say about a man with big feet!

    Hmmm, a backstory? I think he was certainly an activist at one point. Maybe of some big organization for LGBT rights but got sick of just letting stuff happen.

    He had a martial arts background and trained members at a community center to protect themselves but realized that protection wasn't enough. It can protect the body but not the spirit.

    Only pride in oneself could do that. So he became a role model of what gay men and women could accomplish if they believe in themselves.

    Oh sappy origins much more fun than cotton candy.

  • JC says:

    I all wanna draw this now. hahaha. thanks man!

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