RemiX Wildcard #2

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  • July 11, 2011

Even though X-Men Evolution had it’s problems, it offered a great many things I did enjoy, Evan being one of them. I just thought he was a solid, well-rounded, likable character. And I really appreciated the deliberate attempt at diversity, considering that the X-Men comics seemed to be doing the opposite at the time.

And yea, when it comes to Spyke v. Marrow, I gotta get on Team Spyke all the way. Marrow was cool as the hideous leader of the teenage Morlock splinter group, Gene Nation. But once she got all cute and poised to join the X-Men, she went downhill for me. I felt her redesign went against the idea of the character. I wanted her as a grotesque Gen X villain, not a cute, bratty X-girl.

Spyke is just way more fun and when he had his secondary mutation to make his spikes get all HOT, he’d totally wipe the floor with that little sewer rat.

Floppy Poppin’ Off Nude version at → Members Gallery → Fanboy. And think before you fuck with Lil’ Skateboard E.


  • x-menfan says:

    awesome picture but I wasn’t a fan of Spyke and I hate when TV shows take the liberty to create fake characters.

    Wasn’t Maggot around why didn’t they use him?

    • JC says:

      Hm… Maggot’s powers were a little edgy for their target audience, I think. Spyke, I think, was simple to understand and wasn’t wrought with all this inner pathos– a genuine happy character. Thanks for stoppin’ by!

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