67 – Flipside

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  • June 23, 2020

Continuing the theme of the equine Ballers being super hung (see that on my Patreon) bodybuilders who like to pose, Flipside was a really fun draw! The stripes were surprisingly easy and his bright Magenta tufts give the eye break from all the black and white and also set him apart from his cousins.

And speaking of them, now that we have several horsies, I’ve been itching to see them MLP style so I commissioned my BFF Kitt Mouri to make that happen. Thanks so much, Kitt! These are too cute for my brain to process! Now I just have to resist the urge to draw MLP-stlye dicks on on each of them.


  • dreamerboy6 says:

    Oooh! He’s gorgeous! And the magenta bodyhair is a nice touch of distinctiveness! And wow, those MLP style versions are ADORABLE. I love them, haha. <3 That urge to draw dicks on them is gonna be hard to resist, lol! 😉

    • JC says:

      Thanks bud! He kinda won on Twitter so I’ll post his X-Version soon! He came out much more graceful than I expected. And again, coming up with that stripe pattern was more fun than it should’ve been. Also oddly too quick. I wanted to keep going! lol.

      Yea my friend used to draw custom MLP-stlye ponies for her followers and I knew she’d knock this outta the park. I hope she adds versions of the donkey and pegasus characters I intend to draw!

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