Do You Believe in Magik?

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  • April 26, 2011

I resisted drawing Sunfire for quite some time. He’s not an X-Man and I kind of resent him for so often declining membership.

But when my X-Men RemiX to-do count ended up at 79, I told myself I needed to do one more since 80 is such a nicer number to me. (Don’t get me started on that; it’s one of my quirks.) Sunfire beat out quite a few other D-List X-Characters for one reason alone: that he’s the ONLY Asian male x-character. I feel like that’s really pathetic of Marvel, particularly with the slew of Academy X characters recently created. How did an ethnicity that makes up 2/3 of the world’s population get so overlooked?

Drawing Shiro has forced me to admit to the few things I appreciate about the character. 1) JoeMad’s AOA redesign was absolutely genius. 2) I guess it makes sense that some powerful mutant superheroes would rather not be X-Men. It’s more realistic, I suppose. Still, someone in the X-House should have actively sought out another Asian male mutant to fill his spot.

Although Claremont handled Dani well, I’d say that his most interesting and intriguing New Mutant character was Illyana. The idea of Magik and her struggle to reconcile evil with goodness is fascinating to me.

Though she was always a good-guy, her powers come from pure evil. She’s got a sinister side unseen in any X-Person before her, save maybe Wolverine.

Most comfortable shrouded in hellish, demonic imagery, you get the sense she would do anything, no matter how amoral, to further her goals. Fortunately, her goals are usually defending her friends.

(By the way, am I the only one who assumed she was screwing Sym?)

Of all the Generation X characters, I was most excited about and in love with M. She was perfect… that was her power. So cool– especially juxtaposed with all the misfit characters of Gen X .

When M came out, I had an Algerian friend who was very similar to the character– beautiful, smart, spoke like 5 languages, and rich. She approved of M’s personality, stating that Algerian girls are indeed like that… prissy, I guess. She did not however understand why they made her black. “There are no black people in Algeria,” according to my friend. But I was like, “Oh what does she know, it’s Africa– I’m sure there’s some black people there.” LOL!

So, I wonder if that’s the reason behind M’s constant skintone fluctuations. Like, did creators just want a rich African girl, arbitrarily pick Algeria, assume she’d have to be black, later realize that the population is 99% arab, and then make her lighter to retroactively say she’s arab now?

Or does she just have vetiligo? 😉

In any case, my M would probably be like original M… when she wasn’t so bitchy and probably just a biracial black/ arab girl… played by Tatiana Ali in my movie.. hehe!

So yea, I can’t tell whether I’m biased because he’s a ghey, but Victor is my favorite of the Academy X squad. My pal Femmes-Fatales on DeviantArt points out that it’s insensitive to make the lone queer less human looking than everyone else. You’d think I, being as militant about political correctness as I am, would agree. But… I just really like Anole! I think he’s cute! LOL!

Maybe I am swayed by his behind-the-scenes creation story– how he was originally supposed to commit suicide to show both Hellion’s and Elixir’s reactions as cold and caring, respectively. This idea was scrapped when writers and editors realized that offing a gay character for the sole purpose of developing straight characters was fucking lame. And now Anole has proven to be more popular, and quite frankly, a better character than either Hellion or Elixir!

I also like that Anole has been shown to disapprove of Cyclops’ leadership.

Oh yeah, > members gallery > fanboy for for your X-Rated versions of the boys. Hooray for my first Japanese dick in a long time! And my first lizard dick! ^___^


  • Jubell says:

    Oh her and Sym were like…complete loli-baitness all over.

    Still Inferno is one of my fave X arcs ever…I can’t really recall any other (even the Dark Phoenix Saga) that had so much gripping drama ^^;

    • JC says:

      I know Inferno is like a gay man’s dream x-saga. Eveyrone gets all naked and diva’ed up, frolicking about in NYC with demons.

  • x-men fan says:

    -hey they’ve got a new Japanese male x-men who’s part of hopes squad (Generation Hope)I forget his name

    -I didn’t know Magik was effing with Sym

    -M is biracial still! In a recent X-factor comic they showed her father who was black

    • JC says:

      -Anything having to do with Hope I choose not to acknowledge. Lol

      -Magiknand Sym, hells yea I totally got a secret implied S&M vibe from them-LOL

      -Yea, I think I know she’s officially biracial. still doesn’t change that colorists seem to have always been confused on which brown to

  • x-men fan says:

    PS. Beautiful Work as usual! I love the charming look on Anoles face

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