Yearly Archives: 2011

Youth, Experience or Star Power?

By | figure drawing, hairy, muscles, Original Art, porn actors, xxx | No Comments

It’s been a while since I showed a full set of figure drawings outside of my paid Members Gallery, so I decided to offer one up for youze guys.

I have 3 in my queue right now, all scanned and ready to go and it’s going to be up to YOU to decide which set gets posted.

Will it be Chase, the adorable 5’5″ pocket-gay, with the face of a nubile youngster and the buffed-up body of a testosterone-charged barbarian?

Will it be Dan, the gorgeously fuzzy daddy, who totally looks a bit like a more muscled version of the old dude from Ben 10?

Will it be Tim Dax, the former bodybuilder, turned actor, turned porn star with the awesome superhero tatts to match his all-star personality?

Vote in the sidebar for which hunk who’s full set of figure drawings you want to see!

Figure Drawing: Kevin

By | figure drawing, muscles, Original Art | 2 Comments

6pm, Dayjob in Midtown.

JC: Shit, I have drawing tonight and firkin’ no materials, as usual. Let’s see what I can gang from the art studio.

I spot some 18″ x 24″ sheets of decorative paper, probably from Kate’s Paperie or some other bored-middle-aged-woman-who-crafts-now store. Also in the studio is this kid, who’s a little weird but pretty cool, and an “intern for life” at this company. I hide my attraction to him because he’s a weirdo but always spy his unusually big hands and massive bulges.

JC: Hey, What’s this gay-ass, overly-decorative, impractical paper over here? Are you guys using this?

Intern: Oh it’s old. I think someone wanted to use it in a presentation but never did. It’s trash.

JC: Hm– maybe I can draw on it.

Intern: Oh, is that tonight? Your class? Want me to cut it smaller?

For a straight guy, this intern was always overly interested and excited to hear about my gay erotic art class. The normal assumption would be that he’s probably a closet queer. But I’ve known him well enough and long enough to never doubt his heterosexuality. He’s just weird, and into such weird shit that it makes gay sex pale in comparison.

JC: Nah, man– aren’t you busy?

Intern: It’ll take two seconds, here.

As always, he ignores whatever project he’s working on to cut paper down to 8×10 for me for my porn art drawing class. And also as always, I feel slightly guilty, but whatever, he volunteered. I thank him and leave noting his incredibly strong BO over which I’m supposed to act like I’m repulsed but am secretly turned on by.

7pm, Leslie-Lohman Foundation’s Queer Men’s Erotic Drawing Workshop.

JC: Look at this crazy paper!

Anthony: Ooh, where’d you get that?

JC: They were gonna throw it away at work. Want a piece?

Anthony: You won’t be able to draw on that.

JC: Shut up, we’ll see.

Of course, Anthony was right, and the paper was worthless to draw on. The swirly one had a layer of glitter on the lighter part that didn’t take graphite well and the darker part was actually transparent, almost tissue-paper material. #Fail And even though the boxy print one didn’t have as difficult a texture, it was just too dark to see what I was drawing. #DoubleFail

JC (thinking): Fuck this paper is stupid. What a stupid idea. And now if I put these drawings up, no one’s gonna care about the art because of this dumb paper I’m using. They’re gonna think it’s a gimmick and that I’m covering up the fact that I can’t draw with gimmicks.

And the worst part was that most of the night I let my difficulty with the media distract me from the sexiness of the model. Kevin was crazy muscular, had the most perfectly sculpted hair and eyebrows, and was a complete show-off. Hopefully I captured a bit of his essence in these drawings. And hey, if we wanna stretch it, the paper actually compliments the model, as I remember him being a little effeminate (which is fucking hot as hell to me– muscular swishy guys.)