Category Archives: xxx

Hostile Takeover

By | Anti-Heroes, muscles, rant, wet, xxx, Zeke | 5 Comments
Merry Christmas Eve, all my little cock-worshipping toon heads. I’ve got a little surprise for you. I, ZEKE, physic gigolo extraordinaire, have taken over this little blog. From now on, I’ll be in charge of all postings and all comments will be answered by moi.
What happened to JC, you ask? He’s unharmed… I guess. Right now, he’s bound and gagged, shivering in the corner of his living room. HAHAHA! Am I kidding? I suppose you’ll never know. Seriously though, I had to stop him. His next post was going to be some masturbatory block of text about his top 10 favorite movies. I says to him, I says, “People don’t come here to read about your self-indulgent rantings. They come here to see me. Me and my penis.” I actually asked JC how to rename this thing, “THE AWESOME BLOG OF ZEKE AND HIS AWESOME COCK,” but he wouldn’t tell me. So I’ll continue with the Anti-Heroes title.

So I’m sure all my fans want to know all about me and I thought what better way than to post that queer-ass “Getting to Know You” survey Caleb e-mailed me yesterday.

1. What time did you get up this morning?
Well, my weiner was up all night, as usual. But I didn’t wake up officially till 1pm.

2. What did you have for breakfast?

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Bukkake Boy-Sluts 12. Of course, that was at the adult theater. I don’t go to the legitimate movie theater because they don’t let you masturbate. Fascists.

4. What foods do you dislike?
Um… fish tacos.

5. Favorite item of clothing?
I have these fuschia undies that have a cock-ring built in.

7. What is your favorite TV show?
The program on the nature channel where they show animals fucking. You ever see hippos go at it?

8. What happened to number 6?
This shit is not funny.

9. Favorite sandwich?

10. Favorite Adult Beverage?
Can I say semen again?

11. Coke or Pepsi?
You’re gay.

12. What was your most memorable birthday?
2 years ago, when I turned 21 for the third time. My party was at this club called Ballsweat. I broke my most guys fucked in one night record and had ice-cream cake.

13. What characteristics do you despise?
Nose hair.

14. What is your favorite mp3 at the moment?
2 Live Crew – C’mon Babe

15. What color is your bathroom?
I refuse to answer stupid questions.

16. Favorite book?
Bukkake Boy-Sluts 7. Yeah, it’s a book too. Chapter 4 is particularly descriptive.

17. If you could go anywhere on vacation where would you go?
Tyson Beckford’s ass.

18. What fabric detergent do you use?
Fuck u.

19. Do you have any pets?
Does my dick count?

20. Favorite sport?

21. What is your shoe size?
8″ uncut

22. Where were you born?
In the ocean, spawned of the foam from the mighty Zeus’ severed phallus.

23. When was the last time you cried?
20 minutes ago.

24. Qualities of person who sent this to you?
Caleb is geek and an asshole because he won’t let me photograph his wang.

25. Who taught you to Copy & Paste?
Ugh, fuck u again.

There you have it. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Note that JC is going to Poland for the holidays and will have limited access to the internet. Not that that has anything to do with this blog becasue I, ZEKE have taken it over. Yep.

Recent Update

By | Anti-Heroes, Fan Art, hairy, Marvel, muscles, Tai, wet, X-Men, xxx | 10 Comments
Last night, I updated my Anti-Heroes site with a ton of new stuffs. Thought I’d mention all of it here just in case.

First, you’ll notice two new X-Men remixes: Nightcrawler and Cyclops. I friggin’ LOVE Nightcrawler. He’s just the cutest thing in Marvel comics, hands down. I hate how they have him studying to be a priest though. Lame. I liked the swash-buckling, smooth-talking, happy-go-lucky blueboy from the old days.
And next on good-ol’ Cyke, I chose to make him pretty damned sexy because I’m sick of people hating on him so. I feel like all my buddies who like the series all hate Scotty. I don’t mind the guy. I think he’s an important character. I wish that they’d make more fun of how he moves from one X-telepath to the next though. (Jean, Psylocke, Emma)

Then, I whipped up a little present for my boy, Patrick Fillion. Here we got Space Cadet! I originally wanted to do Demios but shyed away because I’m gonna do demons in an issue of Anti-Heroes. This Space Cadet drawing is one of few that I’ve peciled in non-photo blue. Blue pencil is good to work in because the theory is that xerox, cameras, and scanners don’t pick up the blue. That’s in theory though. My scanner picked it up. But, I will say that cleaning the blue out was much easier than cleaning out graphite.

Finally, I’ve posted the censored version of one of the new splash pages I did for Anti-Heroes#3. I put the sketch up months ago and had been working on the colors ever since. I like the way it came out. I definitely recommend starting a drawing and then coming back to it weeks later. It almost feels like touching up someone else’s work. You end up looking at it with totally new eyes.

Why is it censored? Well, this is my incentive to get folks to buy my comix. This is the first in a series of teasers I’m going to give people for issue 3 of Anti-Heroes.

Colossus REMIX

By | Fan Art, Marvel, muscles, X-Men, xxx | 10 Comments
So after a few weeks of feeling super-guilty for not having posted porn here for almost a month since I started the thing, I’ve finally uploaded something I’m sure all you fanboys will enjoy: the X-Rated version of my Colossus Remix!

As many of you know, I redesigned all my favorite mutants with cute, ostentatious, bulgy, breasty, hippy costumes. Then, I made pornographic versions of the male ones, starting with Northstar and Banshee. Continuing the theme, I animated the stills in Flash with Beast, Wolverine, Gambit, and Angel.

Next up was Colossus. I was always pretty happy with my original base drawing for the Colossus Remix. So, I was thrilled to finally get to the X-Rated version. But then, I noticed that his pose is super-similar to another Colossus drawing I did years ago. I’ve been really conscious of trying to avoid repitition in my pin-ups lately, so I almost went back and redrew the original base for Colossus Remix. But then I was like, “Fuck that, too much work.” So yeah, I’m aware that I’ve almost directly ripped myself off with this one and while that does bother me a little, I remind myself that the remixed one goes well in the series.

And yeah, I know his weenie is pretty frightening. Well, the thing is– it’s gonna HAVE to be bigger than all the rest of the guys simply becasue… duh, it’s Colossus. We just won’t think about who’s gonna take that thing. (poor Kitty!)

Blog Launched!

By | hairy, muscles, Persuasions, rant, wet, xxx | 30 Comments
Ok, so I used to kinda always tell myself I’d never do a blog. The reason for this being that since I already had my own website, I could just say whatever the hell I wanted to say on it– just like a blog. BUT… I’ve come to realize that my site (though robust as it is) doesn’t readily offer some of the features I like about blogs.
One of those features is the ability for others to comment on posts. This is actually what I loved about Y!Gallery. It was awesome to post something– be it a drawing, poll, or just random thought, and have people who know and support me comment on it! I really thrive on feedback about my work, so it was great to get it pretty much whenever I wanted. Not only did it educate me as to what people really wanted to see in my work, but it also motivated me to just do more and more! I mean, you’ll notice the increase in work around the time I really started to get into Y!Gallery.

However, as most of you know, I’ve left Y!Gallery. There were two reasons for this mostly. The first was that I thought their rules and the enforcing of them was too vague and arbitrary. The second was that I thought that if I spoke my mind about anything I disagreed with, I’d be suspended or banned. And I really didn’t want anything like that to happen to me– not because I’d miss out on participation or anything. More because I was afraid of what I’d do in retaliation. I have a vindictive side– most people don’t see it. But if they’d pushed me, they’d have found their computers hijacked with viruses and spam galore. So I thought it was best that I just remove myself from the situation before it escalated.

I still want to find a forum like Y! but for now, I’m going to see what this bloggin’ thing is all about. If I get a similar response to what I got from the friendly Y! users, then I’ll post sketches, finished drawing, whatever! Feel free to comment. Tell me what you like, and what you want to see.

To get the ball rolling, I’m posting this new character. His name is Marq and he is the protagonist in a new series I’m working on called “Persuasions.” It’s themed like a soap opera– only sexy and gay! Marq is a sweet, straight-laced school teacher who’s married but carries on an affair with Preston, the bad-boy anti-hero of the series.