Hubba Bubba, here it is: the final installment in my X-RATED X-MEN REMIX series. All of youze guys should know about these but if ya don’t, here’s what happened.
redesigned all the X-Men in my voluptuous vision and then did erotic versions of
Banshee and
Beast. Then I held a poll on
Y!Gallery asking which characters should come next. Here were the results:
Wolverine &
Gambit 15%,
Angel 14%,
Colossus 13%,
Nightcrawler 12%,
Cyclops &
Iceman 11%,
Bishop 5%. And then I ended up completing them in that order.

So yeah, at first I was upset to see my two favorites at the bottom of the barrel. But then I thought, “Hey, since I’ll have to do my faves last, I’ll no doubt unconsciously make them BETTER than all the previous ones!” MUA HA HA!
Yes, Bishop and Iceman have always been my favorite male X-Men. I remember the day I first learned of Bishop. Picture an 11 year old me and a friend in the schoolyard one morning:
Nick: Dude, did you see the new issue of X-Men!? There’s this new Black guy and he’s BIGGER THAN COLOSSUS!!
JC: What’s his powers?
Nick: I dunno– some energy shit. BUT HE’S HUGE!
We skipped lunch and booked it to the local comic shop where I grabbed a copy of Uncanny #282. Bishop remained me and Nick’s favorite for a while– mullet and all. Although Nick eventually abandoned Bishop once he realized Bishop actually wasn’t bigger than Colossus. (size queen)
So yeah, if Bishop was the X-Man I wanted to be, then Iceman was definitely the X-Man I wanted to fuck. He was so fun and boyish, but maintained that jockish charm that really spoke to my teenage gay libido. I was sooo convinced Marvel was going to make him queer. Everything about his storyline in the 90’s led to it. But alas, they gave us Northstar instead. No offense to Northstar lovers out there but I can’t think of anyone who liked that guy before they made him gay.
Oh- and to prove my insane gay fandom for Bishop and Iceman, here is an extremely old, unfinished fanart of them. This is like circa 1997– don’t laugh at my deformed lookin’ hands!
Also adding my Cannonball into this mix. He was an afterthought for me which was why I never included him in the poll. I only did him because I wanted the complete set to total 20 and not 19. (I don’t like odd numbers– primes even less.) Don’t get me wrong, I love Sam– moreso than any of the others I almost made instead of him (Havok, Cable, Forge)– it’s just that I liked him better on X-Force than X-Men.
I thought it was appropriate to hurry up and post this before this new cartoon “Wolverine and the X-Men” comes out. I’ll take X-Men in any media I can find, but this cartoon looks like its gonna be the worst of all. First off, I’m not feeling this overly svelte design for Wolverine. And I’d rather a more popular character get the spot that it seems they’ve given to Forge. Also, why is Emma confirmed so soon and not Storm or Jean? If those two aren’t included, then its not X-Men. I mean, X-Men is supposed to be about accepting diversity– giving blond-haired blue-eyed Emma a spot over Storm is a travesty. Opinions?
Oh– and one final thing. I have a sekushi wallpaper of all of my male X-Sluts up in my new wallpapers section of my site! Take a peek.