And then here’s Tai, who is perfect for someone like Wabbit, who has a talent for drawing cute manga faces combined with the manly muscles of western comics:
Finally, I’d like to introduce you all to a phenomenal artist I’ve only recently just met. Anthony Gonzales was perhaps one of the first people to become friendly with me in these drawing sessions I’ve been attending. I noticed his awesome work in the class the first few times and then, one time he brought in his XXX portfolio of personal work. I must say, I was completely in awe of this traditional master renderer with his genuine love and understanding of the male form. He uses mixed media and when I say mixed– I mean MIXED! For example, many of his pieces featured beautiful African-American men with their “bling” done in metallic shimmery marker and sometimes even glitter! And he had this other piece where this guy was drinking spunk from the “tap” and it was done with Elmer’s glue! So brilliant! He gave me one of the pieces, shown below. I like to think it’s my character Drakaar from Persuasions. hehe
And then for my birthday, Anthony brought in these two pieces from which I’m still freaking out over. First up, we’ve got Paxton giving it to Tai, wondering if Caleb‘s unit will fit in as well! Look at the subtle detail in Paxton’s legs.
Next is Nuke and Preston marveling at the wonderful job they’ve done of sodomizing poor Jehosaphat. I especially dig the realism and expression that went into Preston’s face here.
Anthony does not have a site up just yet but I am pestering him to get on-the-ball about it. In the meantime, I think he is taking commissions via his e-mail addy. And you can also check out some work he did in the recently published Dirty Little Drawings.
Addendum (01-14-08):
I found 2 of Anthony’s pieces online. Not great repros, though.
those pics are all so damn hawt
Yay to the fan art !!
They’re all really good! but aww thow, i’d hope that i would have drawn something for you earlier so that it could have been part of this post, but there’s no one to blame for that but me i guess, lol, man where does the time go !
Anyway, i’ll whip up of something for you before it gets too belated. and by the way HAPPY 8 8 8 BELATED BIRTHADY !!
hmmmm… 8… i think that gives me an idea…
I just absolutley love the one Wabbit did! So cute and sxy at the same time!
I really LOVE that Tai one!! So darn cute!! LOVE IT!!!
Hey JC…
Fantastic posting! All of these fan pieces are wicked! Don’t you just love seeing your characters depicted by other artists? I know personally when I receive fan art, it makes me very proud to see that the characters are so well received that others want to draw them too. It’s a big homage to your work and creations my friend!
Now I just have to get my ass in gear and finish up my drawing of Tai… Heh! Heh! Heh!
Much love!
Patrick XOXOX
Come check my new blog!
THANKS DUDES AND DUDETTES! I hope everyone who did these sees your comments!
Patrick– you’re working on TAI??? Dude, I will freak out and implode from excitement– no lie. I will literally IMPLODE!
Hey JC…
Yup… Tai is on his way! LOL! Hell, if you’re gonna implode, I sure hope it will be worth it! I’ll work even harder to make sure your implosion is not in vain! HA! HA! HA!
Patrick XOXO