Category Archives: xxx

New Shoe Smell

By | muscles, Original Art, Persuasions, xxx | No Comments

New Shoe Smell (2022) – Dunno if it’s the leather or the glue but something about new sneaker odor does it for me. So here’s one of my oldest OC’s revealing my fetish! Eugene is a punkish skater twunk with a fat dick specifically not as pierced and tatted as the rest of him. Check out all the older drawings of him, each in a slightly different style.

Eugene Sinewy (2004) – Freshly graduated from college but still in my fashion illustration phase, here’s the first drawing of this guy. One of the better performing pieces on a series of t-shirts. Also before I was showing full-on nudity in my drawings.

Desktop BJ (2009) and Give It Up, Old Man! (2006) – The earlier one was for a club called “Let’s Fuck Daddies,” but then I repurposed the couple’s story for Persuasions, my soap opera themed series. Colt is the evil rich patriarch and Eugene is his hot young loyal henchman / regular trade.

Grease Monkey 2

By | chubs, hairy, muscles, Original Art, xxx | 2 Comments

Loved this unused commission sketch and turned it into a sequel to a favorite from 2007. I swear it’s hard for me to draw doggy without attempting animation so that’s why we get this obsessive 8 frame salute to the T&A jiggle. Also included the sketch which has my animation notes and the original drawing from 2007 which came from yet another unused commission sketch. Uncensored animation on my Patreon or DeviantArt!

Archangel Seraphic Form

By | Fan Art, hairy, Marvel, muscles, X-Men, xxx | 2 Comments

My version of the X-Man combining his 3 major wing eras. Imagine this only appears during a glorious super move like Street Fighter, Gill.

With the X-Versions, (for subscribers on my Patreon or DeviantArt) you all know I’ll use any excuse to depict blue dick. But sometimes the ho in me needs multiple versions of a hunk in order to keep interest. LMK if you want any more alternates- it’s not that hard to add!

Glitter Bomb Drakaar

By | figure drawing, muscles, Original Art, Persuasions, xxx | One Comment

I collect interesting paper instead of drawing backgrounds on my sexy male anatomy studies. This was black wax paper you’re meant to scratch away to reveal a colorful cosmic design underneath. Also some glitter paint and metallic marker thrown on there to match the rest in this series. Pro artist tip: Kids art supplies are inexpensive and FUN!

Glitter Bomb Ryan

By | figure drawing, hairy, muscles, Omega Phi, Original Art, xxx | 2 Comments

Had to make some new physical originals for the gay art fair I do every year. Everyone’s work is from figure drawing groups and everyone always has different solutions for filling the part of the page that’s not the figure. I like attention so I chose glitter!

Included all the alternates AND process photos this time! Really love having that record when it’s a physical piece. Full versions on Patreon here:

83 – Trey

By | anthro, Brutal Ballers, figure drawing, muscles, Original Art, xxx | 2 Comments

Skipping #’s 75 thru 82 for now cuz it was important this guy reference the number 3, from his name and number to his bling!

Included sketch cuz it’s from a gesture drawing and no one ever does anything with their crappy gesture drawings but I finally tried and succeeded! Also included this pencil progress step to show how I tend to run out of room on the page and am then forced to just scan and work digital. Would have been nice to have this on paper though!

And finally a grouping of all the dinosaur dudes so far. Really dig how they look together but still want to add a chubby stegosaurus and a twinky raptor maybe with feathers! X-versions of the erection and group shot on Patreon here:

Contemplative Drakaar

By | figure drawing, muscles, Original Art, Persuasions, xxx | 2 Comments

A life drawing that’s a few years old and initially put aside because I didn’t sketch what he was sitting on during the pose. Later, finally went in and digitally added this background which was a lot less chorish than I was thinking (probably because it’s a little reuse from other drawings.) Really dig the color and atmosphere in the final- takes the sketch to a whole other place.

And this is just because I wanted to see all these I named “contemplative” together. My hunks in deep thought series- lol.