Yearly Archives: 2010

Eric ‘N’ Danny

By | commission, Daddy+Boy, hairy, muscles, Original Art, twinks, wet, xxx | 2 Comments

Meet Eric McBride, a tall buff hairy hung hunk and decorated Navy Seal. Now meet his little step-brother, Danny, a fun-loving albeit sneaky high school senior. Danny has mysterious powers of hypnosis and uses them on his strapping step-bro!

I had a lot of fun with this commission- as it includes 2 of my loves– character design and size comparison. I can’t wait to draw these boys again!

Figure Drawing: Bennie, Chris & Klaus

By | figure drawing, muscles, Original Art, xxx | No Comments

First up: Bennie. Bennie is a sexy young guy with big beautiful pouty lips and a big beautiful turgid member.

Before this session, I was wandering around the studio where I used to work like a madman, trying to find something fun to draw on. We had tons and tons of glitter and you know how we gays kinda can’t resist the glitter.

So I slathered some all over this heavyweight paper and tried to draw on it. It was quite difficult, as I had to constantly use the pencil to cut through the thick layer of glitter.

The resulting images look kinda cool in real life but doesn’t really translate in the scans. It looks like Bennie is posing in a hurricane of dirt and glass. #FAIL

Next up: Chris. For cutie Chris’s body, imagine a black version of one of those ancient Roman god statues (with much much bigger testicles.)

For the first half of the session, the artists’ demeanors could be easily summed up with the words
“drooling stupor.” Then, however, after Chris came around and mingled during the break, we all got to see how sweet and gentle and friendly he was, with his adorable baby-faced smile.

The mood of the night shifted to be a bit more jovial, but his posing was so focused and serious, it was difficult to capture that cheerful vibe.

But if we’re talking about models who’s smile was easy to capture on paper, then Klaus takes the cake.

Klaus was a cute German dude who seemed genuinely tickled at the idea of modeling for an erotic figure drawing workshop.

You couldn’t wipe that grin off his face- except for in the pose below…

This was a hot pose to look at, as his big uncut penis kept twitching from semi to full-flag. We were all so dazzled no one noticed that because of the red drape he was leaning on, everyone’s drawing looked like Dracula.


By | anthro, commission, cutesy, elves, holiday themed, muscles, Original Art | No Comments

I’ve been debating whether or not to post these as the project isn’t quite over yet and I am technically still hoping to get work from them. But it’s been a long time since my last assignment and I get the feeling the brand may be kaput. So here are a few suggestive Christmas ornaments I was commissioned to design by

Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. Good commercial clients are hard to find. Yunno, the ones who know what they’re talking about when they give direction– the ones who don’t hesitate, even for a second, about illustration rates. 😛

Anyways, you’ll find that I’ve updated my rates page to include non-commercial commissions now. Try me– you’ll be surprised at what a broke perverted artist will draw!

Press Start, Betches!

By | Anti-Heroes, Caleb, muscles, Original Art, Tai, video games, videos, wet, xxx, Zeke | 4 Comments

My first new web game in years, Boot Camp is a Steamy Shooter Striptease Spectacle of awse sauce! Caleb, Tai and Zeke will train you, the fledgling Anti-Hero, in the ways of sexy space combat!

I’ve worked pretty hard on this but the real credit goes to fellow artist / web developer, Necro. We met at an art show a little while back, and immediately hit it off, both of us sharing a passion for art, gaming and CAPCOM! (LOL)

Boot Camp is available in the Members Gallery section of I’m dying to know what you guys think of it, so after you play a few rounds, be sure to let me know by posting here!

(And feel free to spread the word by posting this commercial anywhere you want!)
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Flash’s Discovery

By | commission, Fan Art, Marvel, muscles, twinks, xxx | 6 Comments

Hey gay pr0n art lovers. Here I give you a commission I’ve recently completed from the imagination behind the All-American series from a few years back.

Spidey has just come home from an afternoon of crime-fighting and is in the midst of changing out of his costume when suddenly Flash Thompson walks into Pete’s bedroom! Parker only then remembers a tutoring session he has lined up with the jock and realizes that Aunt May must’ve let Flash in the house!

What happens next? Use your imagination. Pete’s hardon isn’t going away on it’s own! I really had fun with this one. I love the way my colored line softens the piece up. I hadn’t used colored lines in a while. And I’m really fond of the rendering on Spidey’s tight little bod! What do you think?

Oh and while I’m on the subject of commissions, I should let everyone know that I am very available. Now that my day job is done and the gay magazines are all bankrupt, I need money… and a reason to keep drawing gay porn! LOL.

My Old Blog Has Been EMANCIPATED!

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Hooray! After 14 days, Google has deemed my Blogspot address NOT SPAM allowing me to access it again! WOOT! Unfortunately for them, I’ve already fallen in love with WordPress and started this NEW BLOG which I’ve put a ton of work into. But, now that my old Blogger URL is accessible again, I can redirect anyone who goes there… to HERE! Awse Sauce!

I am sorry to see Blogger go though. I will miss the “Follow” feature and it really feels like I’m turning my back on a whole community. BUT this blog has all the old features of my old one, looks cooler and has a better address. And let’s not forget, I no longer have to live in fear of being randomly deleted for 14 days again!

Want More X-People?

By | Fan Art, Marvel, muscles, X-Men, xxx | 6 Comments

OK, yea this is a rehash of another drawing I did of Berto a while back. But that was completed when the plan was to draw the New Mutants in their classic costumes. Now, as you see, the plan has changed. Rollover for powered-up version. Click for sexy naked Brazilian version… still powered up. 😉

As a kid, in reference to Doug, I’d say things like, “What a lame power. You can’t take this guy anywhere. What a wuss.” Of course, I realized much later, that was the point.

Cypher’s trials and tribulations while playing the role of the doubty X-Man with the passive power were written well; particularly when dealing with self-friend Warlock. The kooky alien (who always seemed to me nothing more than an excuse to draw cartoony) always wanted to protect Cypher from harm, unknowingly increasing Doug’s feelings of uselessness. It made for some strong, captivating character driven plots.

But… is it just me or did Cypher and Warlock’s come off really gay? Ok, I know I’m being un-P.C., implying that two heterosexual males can’t have a deep bond without it seeming queer. But… dude… they were sooo gay. Rollover for the lovey dovey nudie couple version.

No one was more happy than me over Joe Mad’s addition to the X-Talent team in the 90’s. His presence gave me, a humble artist who’s style is more cartoony than realistic, a sense of hope that one day I could illustrate comics. His best work, I’d say, is his early stuff dealing with the Phalanx and of course what he did on the Age of Apocalypse storyline.

He introduced us to Blink, a muse from his sketchbooks, who’d eventually develop a fan following none of his other characters could achieve. I think what we all liked about Blink was that she seems very timid but when pushed, she becomes a powerhouse. Her look and design were totally original. She was cute, cool and sexy all at once. And was the ONLY character I wanted to carry over from the AoA. Instead we got that boring douchebag “X-Man.”

Cecilia is great. She rocks. Of the 3 late 90s next gen X-Men, she was easily the strongest, character-wise. Her concept, her look and her dialogue were always right on the money.

It’s high time we got you a codename. I came up with Hardcase. What do you think?
I think I’m okay with Dr. Reyes.
Nah, not quite X-ey enough. How bout X-Babysitter… since that’s what it seems your new duties are.
Oh is that how we’re playing, little boy? You young X-ers are going to want a doctor around. Especially if you get another arm ripped off.
Dude, if that happens again, what I’m gonna want is whatever happy drugs you have in those pouches on your new costume. Ooh, there’s your codename: X-Pusher.
All right, yunno what? Hardcase is starting to sound ok.

(I know, I need to write for Marvel, don’t I? 😉 )

I feel like I can almost imagine Claremont’s thought process on this one. “Goddamn those mother fuckers, taking my Emma and turning her into the top X-Woman! I’ll show them! I’ll take another member of my Hellfire Club and make her the coolest X-Woman ever!”

WOMP WAH! Sorry, Claremont, no dice. Despite valiant efforts to the contrary, Sage is no where near Emma’s level of popularity. That’s not to say I didn’t want it to happen, though. I really loved Tessa’s look. The one-strap and the hair up put her on a level of class and glamor not many have been able to match.

I loved the cyberpathy and appreciated that it related back to something they touched on way back when. I DID NOT like the “jumpstart” thing. It makes no sense to me why she’d have that power. Seems to me like something that should have been attributed to someone who already interacts with other mutant’s powers like Fabian Cortez, or better yet, SYNCH!

I kinda don’t give two shits about her. I think making new characters out of old ones is a cop-out. And I think fans should wise-up and realize how much they’re being played.

That said, I am learning to appreciate certain aspects of this character (since I know she’s going to be around for a while.) I do like that she comes from X-Men Evolution, which had it’s flaws, but was still an enjoyable tangent on the franchise. And I like how Quesada made her this silent hooker who was into cutting. I liked seeing this character vulnerable. I liked that she wasn’t just “little girl Logan.” But of course, now that’s kinda all she is.

Oh, and I don’t believe in giving X-Men characters an “X” in their names. It’s such a marketing ploy. “You fans need to like this character more cuz s/he has an X in their name.” Fuck off, the TEAM is what’s important– the ensemble– not any individual character. You don’t see a Captain Trek in Star Trek or a Mr. Justice in Justice League or a Fighter Man in Street Fighter. The only character who deserves to have an X in his codename is Professor X.

Of the Academy X/ Young X-Men kids, this guy is fighting hard to earn the title of being my favorite… and winning. (Yea duh, I’m kinda obligated to have a certain green queer as my favorite) But Rockslide is definitely coming in at a close second. Rollover for the big rocky gestalt cock version.

As the humor of this crop of mutants, Santo gets the best lines. But writers are working hard to make him much more well rounded than your average “comic relief” type of character.

Figure Drawing: Pig Logan

By | Fan Art, figure drawing, hairy, Marvel, muscles, wet, X-Men, xxx | 8 Comments

This week in erotic figure drawing, we had a dude who brought along a few props from his
leather pig play collection. I wasn’t mucho attracted to him so the plan to turn him into someone else came about quite early.

The constant debate in my brain was whether to make him Wolverine, who garners me comments and accolade, OR a new self-created hunk. Then I got the idea– why not both?

So when you click each of these drawings, you’ll see piggy Logan with 4 different hairstyles, that’ll totally change how you look at him!

And yes, this model most certainly brought a penis pump to drawing…
and used it… and freaked all of us out.

The Old Posts

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Last month, I randomly exported my Blogger posts and imported them into a new blog on Blogspot. It was just a test to see if I could get it to work. Who knew that act would  kinda save my ass now that Google closed my original blog?! Yes, my original posts and URL are locked to me, but that random duplicate blog still lives and I have been able to export those posts into this WordPress blog!

Now, keep in mind, WordPress doesn’t interpret these posts as accurately as I’d like. For instance, some of the formatting is broken and the rollovers don’t work. I’m also missing the 4 or 5 posts that happened between July 12 and now. But I thought it was important to have at least some aspect of my 4 years of blogging on this new site.

So the tag for these will be “Wonky Old Blogger Posts” because I have no qualms disparaging Google. Every day since their fuckup, I’ve thought of a new insult or hateful remark towards them. For instance, the bastards responsible for my original blog destruction can go rim a camel’s asshole after a diarrhea.

UPDATE 08-19-10: Man do I love WordPress. So, an updated Blogger Importer plugin was released and it works like MAGIC. All my rollovers, videos and comments now show. Formatting is still a little wonky, but not so bad that I need a tag for it. So ignore the above paragraph and enjoy my old posts
in their full glory!

Back to Square One

By | rant | No Comments

My blog at Blogspot was deleted by Google’s anti-spam bots. It was mistaken for spam and removed from the net, the URL and all content completely inaccessible to me.

For victims of this blunder, there is a protocol for restoration of the removed blog. I followed the procedure, which includes getting codes from Google texted to your phone, and jumping through a few more mindless hoops, including mandatory reading of online articles that call people in my predicament “whiners,” and  posting in their help forums. Blogger has no tech support or customer service to speak of so users with a problem are to post in these forums where people are rude and dismissive. You can view the forum conversation here. After a full week of my blog and content being lost, I decided to start over rather than sit and wait for something that may or may not happen. This has easily been one of the worst weeks of my life, my emotions ranging from almost psychotic rage to extreme utter hopelessness.

I had a great following on Blogger and really high traffic. It’s very upsetting for me to be forced out. I feel very defeated. Hopefully this feeling won’t last for long and hopefully the fuckers will one day be violently raped with  sandpaper lined baseball bats. Yup, I’m that mad. Enjoy the new blog!

Figure Drawing: Mike

By | figure drawing, hairy, muscles, Original Art, xxx | 2 Comments

This week, I give you Mike, one of the more popular models at erotic figure drawing. With his boyish good lucks, friendly personality and mammoth sized penis, he always turns out a crowd. But it’s usually a disgruntled bunch as Mike continually proves to be one of the hardest models to draw.

The reason for this is because no one is able to get a really good likeness of the guy. His eyes are super squinty, like he’s permanently high; he shaves his head and has a prominent beard (of varying thickness in these drawings because they are from 2 different sittings.) On paper, all of these features make him look older than he is. So everyone is usually frustrated, me included, because none of our drawings resemble the cute, young, laid-back hipster in front of us.

Yea, it’s a fat one. Like really girthy. And it looks more so because he’s a short dude.

I really liked this pose below. It was super difficult for him though.

Both times I’ve drawn Mike, the director was very prop happy, bringing out everything but the kitchen sink for Mike to pose with. Yes these are footed pajamas.

I like the pose below a lot as well. This one really captures his stature, I think.

Don’t ask me where our director got a wedding gown train. Fun to draw, but wtf?

And yea, no imagination on my part here. He sat on one dildo and sucked on another for 20 whole minutes. A real champ, this guy. ♥