Category Archives: Original Art

Supreme Bukkake

By | elves, hairy, muscles, Original Art, Supreme Dominion, wet, xxx | 14 Comments
Here we have a bit of a blast from the past as I’ve decided to whip something up featuring characters from my long defunct series, Supreme Dominion.

For those of you who don’t know, SD began as a senior thesis project for one of my illustration classes. My good friend and I thought it’d be fun to make up our own video game. It would be a fighting game in the tradition of Street Fighter or Rival Schools with a medieval fantasy twist.

I created 33 characters with elaborately intertwined stories and initially wanted him to design half of them. But after I saw a lot of his design ideas, I ended up redesigning most of the characters chosen for him (bit of a control freak here, what can I say?) His strength was in designing the elves, so I actually kept those characters true to his vision but gave them a bit of a wardrobe change.

We both got B’s on the project and apparently would have gotten A’s if we actually made the video game. Needless to say, our teacher didn’t quite know how difficult that would have been. haha! Joking aside though, after I graduated, I really did have massive plans for Supreme Dominion. But then, one project led to another and another and another until I finally kinda forgot about SD. I think this was because I was getting more and more into my homoerotic art and SD didn’t really have any gay characters.

But then I noticed that many of my gay art site visitors loved the concept of my medieval fantasy fighter. I was constantly being asked what I was going to do with the series. I’ve played around with ideas but nothing has really come to fruition just yet. The most I’ve done is “slashed” the male characters, making for some hot, sexy drawings.

So we’ll see what eventually happens to the cast of my beloved beat-em-up. Featured in the NEW piece at the top are Sir Vanderlorne the knight, Jaygar the barbarian, Paxton the merchant, Keth the half-ogre, and the dude getting “bukkaked” on is Ruschae the elf.

The Origin

By | All-American, commission, muscles, Original Art, twinks, wet, xxx | 10 Comments
Welcome to part two of my blog installments of my buddy’s sexy patriotic super-duo, All-American and Golden Boy. Previously, we got to see the boys’ secret prep school identities and how they’d fare against zombie bellhops. Now we are exploring how they became super-heroes in the first place with this three-part series of illustrations.

In the first one, as skinny teens, Todd and Cameron discover an old chest in a dusty attic from which a ghastly specter appears. The ghost is a soldier from the American Revolutionary War and also a super-hero in his own right.

He then sexily “bestows” the boys with their super-powers while their new muscles burst free of the confines of their attire. (My personal favorite step in this process… ^___^)

Finally, the proud ghost soldier looks on as the boys nobly accept their new identities as super-heroes.

This series was particularly fun as I got to explore new techniqes with the ghost and his power effects. Also, even though the background was a pain, it was pretty satisfying to get it done. So expect more from me about this duo because I’ve totally fallen in love with them and their story.

Also, let my client know what a cool premise this is for a comic book! You’d buy it right?

Grease Monkey

By | chubs, muscles, Original Art, xxx | 9 Comments
This drawing combines some of my top fetishes: businessmen and one-piece jumpsuits! There is this local commercial for some vocational school that only airs during the day (presumably because if you’re home during the day, you’re unemployed.) Anyway, the guy trying to sell the school’s auto-mechanic program is super-hot. That’s partly where this came from.
Oh, and you have my permission to laugh at this one (hehehe.) The mechanic is supposed to be a little doofy-lookin’. ^___^

Preston Practice

By | muscles, Original Art, Persuasions, xxx | 11 Comments
Here’s a quickie sketch I did last night. I did it to see how fast I could get it done and to see if that Blanka coloring style would work again. Well, it’s not exactly like that piece– it has much less hard edges. I think I might work on developing this style more and maybe use it in my next job.

Preston’s expression here is decidedly serious because people are always saying how humorous my work is– even when I’m not tying to make it funny. So yeah– Preston is SOMBER and CONTEMPLATIVE here! Imagine him thinking about a man he shot last week or something.

Oh– but I guess he wouldn’t he wanking his dick while thinking about heinous crimes he committed. Oh well, whatever– it’s just NOT supposed to be comical.

Freakishly Small Hands

By | muscles, old works, Omega Phi, Original Art | 5 Comments
Yay! I’m so happy about the positive response to my Omega Phi boys. Now that I know they’ll be accepted, I’ll have more incentive to actually do something with them. For instance, I’ve been planning an issue of Anti-Heroes where they go back to school. Maybe the Omega boys can make their first appearance there as some formidable enemies / fuck-buddies.

In the meantime, because you guys liked that concept, I thought I’d show you where it originally came from. As I said, I have been intrigued by Greek mythology for the better part of my life. I used to sketch modern versions of the deities quite regularly. So, I’m once again opening up the vault of old shyt to show you these scary sketches of the gods. I was probably 17 or 18 when I drew these and I remember it was an attempt at fashion illustration. Pretty embarrassing– I know. Well, I am still somewhat proud of my Hera and Apollo. But yeah, the rest of them look pretty deformed.

Omega Phi

By | chubs, hairy, muscles, Omega Phi, Original Art, twinks, wet, xxx | 21 Comments
What if the most powerful Greek and Roman deities were reincarnated as SEXY GAY FRAT BOYS?

Such is the premise of my latest perversion: The Men of Omega Phi.

I’ve always been fascinated by Greek mythology. If you think about it, its totally up my alley– a bunch of beautiful super-powered people who fight and screw each other.

Don’t ask me what I have planned for these guys. At the moment, there’s no comic series in the works. I mainly just wanted to design the characters and finally get it down on paper.

I’ve drawn these images as wallpapers, because I felt guilty about taking the old ones down from my site. These are all at widescreen monitor resolution (1680×1050.) For the fullscreen versions at 1024×768, visit the work section of my site.

Comments greatly welcomed and appreciated. Which one’s the hottest? Personally, I have to say that I have a thing for big boy Ryan– and also Emerson. But then again, I wouldn’t push ANY of them outta my bed– haha. Let me know what you guys think.


By | All-American, commission, muscles, Original Art, wet, xxx | 12 Comments
Here’s what I’ve been working on while you all were enjoying my psychotic J-POP lovers. It’s a series of commissioned pieces involving characters of the client’s creation.

Mild-mannered prep school boys by day… HOT BULGING SUPER-HEROES by night! Meet “All-American” and his sidekick “Golden Boy!” These illustrations were particularly fun because of the elaborate storyline the client’s come up with. And yeah… prep school boys are effing HAWT! I went to a prep school but we didn’t get to wear uniforms. I remember being disappointed about that. The kids at my school all dressed like shyt. But I digress.

I am particularly proud of the third piece here. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but I have an extreme fear of zombies. I don’t know why. They just freak me out. Thriller gives me nightmares. I can’t play Resident Evil past the first stage. And Dawn of the Dead is probably one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen.

So, you’ll see why I was a little worried about drawing zombies for the commission. What saved me was that they’re supposed to be hot. So I figured, perfect– I don’t have to draw eyes hanging out of their sockets or exposed brain or anything. haha.

You Da Man

By | chubs, hairy, muscles, Original Art, Persuasions, wet, xxx | 5 Comments
I was saving this piece for when I launch Persuasions: Phase 02. But I am struggling with the script, and it probably will be a while before I get that up and running. So here’s a pre-maturely ejaculated piece for you guys.
The dude on the left is Dustin, the bartender who made a minor appearance in Persuasions: Phase 01. Milan is the guy on the right, whom you’ll remember as the young reluctant heir to the Van Bruno empire. So, I guess I’m revealing here that these two are lovers… but don’t worry because there are tons of more surprising twists and turns for their storyline.

In this illustration, you’ll be interested to know that trying to make a room appear “dirty” was far more difficult for me than I was expecting. I tweaked it for days. Hopefully, the idea came across. This is supposed to be one really skankatacious motel.

Also, I’m proud to announce that this drawing, along with 15 of my other favorite pieces, is up for sale as a limited edition print. Visit Shop.Anti-Heroes.Net to get your mitts on them!

Backpage Backtalk

By | old works, Original Art | 5 Comments
Okay, I’m taking it really far back with this one. As I’ve been going through my old stuff (hence that sicko Tiny Toons post,) I’ve also discovered my high school newspaper comics! Yes, I was a high school newspaper nerd. It began innocently enough– I just wanted an outlet for publishing my work. But by senior year, I was Editor of the thing and was seriously thinking about a career in Journalism! Weird huh? And now I’m a pornographer.
Anyhow, the name of the comic was “Backpage Backtalk” and it appeared on the backpage of the paper every 2 weeks. The theme was basically high school– but more spcifically, my high school. I went to a snooty private school (scholarship) so we didn’t really have freedom of speech. In fact, I had to approve all of my comics with the school administration before they went to print. I was censored quite a few times. Maybe that’s why my stuff is so over-the-top now…

So I’ve picked my 10 favorite strips for you guys to read. Since some of them are really specific to my high school, I’ll clarify some of the jokes for ya.

On this next one, the “caf-card” was what we used to get food at the cafeteria. I coined that term, btw.

This next one was a bit of a hit, so I kinda repeated the same joke a few months later.

And with this next one– the story was, one day, the ceiling caved in due to the weight of some raccoons that had nested there. It was a temporary building, and I think the raccoon fiasco was what got the administration really on-the-ball about building the permanent space. Sadly, I graduated before it was finished. But raccoon day will go down in history as the highlight of my high school career. Those fuckers are huge!