Category Archives: Supreme Dominion

Anthony Gonzales Fan-Art Blowout: 2!

By | Anthony Gonzales, Anti-Heroes, Caleb, guest art, muscles, Persuasions, Supreme Dominion, Tai, wet, xxx, Zeke | No Comments
My extremely talented buddy Anthony Gonzales whipped up some more awesome renditions of Anti-Heroes for us all to salivate over!

Anti-Heroes vs. the Parasites (If you don’t know the Parasites, do yourself a favor and pick up Anti-Heroes #3!)

Ass Up Tai

Power Suit Caleb

Sleeping Giant
Cover Boys

I really love this one of Paxton. I wish you kids could see the hardcopy of this. The color is so vibrant and it’s all traditional media. Frikkin’ awse. Anthony is my hero.

Guest Art Bonanza!

By | Anthony Gonzales, Anti-Heroes, Caleb, guest art, muscles, Persuasions, Supreme Dominion, Tai, twinks, wet, xxx | 8 Comments
So who knew when I said I’d love fan-art for my birthday that so many of you guys would do it?! I feel so special! I can’t tell you guys enough how much I appreciate it. It’s such a joy to see characters I’ve created get rendered by other artists. It’s like– the ultimate affirmation that my audience actually understands what I’m doing with all this. It never ceases to amaze me that people “get” my characters. So, once again– big thanx to everyone who turned out these mini masterpieces!
I love how RedValkyrie captured Toni‘s extreme beauty and femininity here:

And then here’s Tai, who is perfect for someone like Wabbit, who has a talent for drawing cute manga faces combined with the manly muscles of western comics:

Finally, I’d like to introduce you all to a phenomenal artist I’ve only recently just met. Anthony Gonzales was perhaps one of the first people to become friendly with me in these drawing sessions I’ve been attending. I noticed his awesome work in the class the first few times and then, one time he brought in his XXX portfolio of personal work. I must say, I was completely in awe of this traditional master renderer with his genuine love and understanding of the male form. He uses mixed media and when I say mixed– I mean MIXED! For example, many of his pieces featured beautiful African-American men with their “bling” done in metallic shimmery marker and sometimes even glitter! And he had this other piece where this guy was drinking spunk from the “tap” and it was done with Elmer’s glue! So brilliant! He gave me one of the pieces, shown below. I like to think it’s my character Drakaar from Persuasions. hehe

And then for my birthday, Anthony brought in these two pieces from which I’m still freaking out over. First up, we’ve got Paxton giving it to Tai, wondering if Caleb‘s unit will fit in as well! Look at the subtle detail in Paxton’s legs.

Next is Nuke and Preston marveling at the wonderful job they’ve done of sodomizing poor Jehosaphat. I especially dig the realism and expression that went into Preston’s face here.

Anthony does not have a site up just yet but I am pestering him to get on-the-ball about it. In the meantime, I think he is taking commissions via his e-mail addy. And you can also check out some work he did in the recently published Dirty Little Drawings.

Addendum (01-14-08):
I found 2 of Anthony’s pieces online. Not great repros, though.

Supreme Bukkake

By | elves, hairy, muscles, Original Art, Supreme Dominion, wet, xxx | 14 Comments
Here we have a bit of a blast from the past as I’ve decided to whip something up featuring characters from my long defunct series, Supreme Dominion.

For those of you who don’t know, SD began as a senior thesis project for one of my illustration classes. My good friend and I thought it’d be fun to make up our own video game. It would be a fighting game in the tradition of Street Fighter or Rival Schools with a medieval fantasy twist.

I created 33 characters with elaborately intertwined stories and initially wanted him to design half of them. But after I saw a lot of his design ideas, I ended up redesigning most of the characters chosen for him (bit of a control freak here, what can I say?) His strength was in designing the elves, so I actually kept those characters true to his vision but gave them a bit of a wardrobe change.

We both got B’s on the project and apparently would have gotten A’s if we actually made the video game. Needless to say, our teacher didn’t quite know how difficult that would have been. haha! Joking aside though, after I graduated, I really did have massive plans for Supreme Dominion. But then, one project led to another and another and another until I finally kinda forgot about SD. I think this was because I was getting more and more into my homoerotic art and SD didn’t really have any gay characters.

But then I noticed that many of my gay art site visitors loved the concept of my medieval fantasy fighter. I was constantly being asked what I was going to do with the series. I’ve played around with ideas but nothing has really come to fruition just yet. The most I’ve done is “slashed” the male characters, making for some hot, sexy drawings.

So we’ll see what eventually happens to the cast of my beloved beat-em-up. Featured in the NEW piece at the top are Sir Vanderlorne the knight, Jaygar the barbarian, Paxton the merchant, Keth the half-ogre, and the dude getting “bukkaked” on is Ruschae the elf.