Category Archives: hairy

100th Post!!!

By | hairy, muscles, Omega Phi, Original Art, wet, xxx | 7 Comments
Wow. Nearly 2 years ago, I started this blog as an experiment– not really expecting it to last– not really expecting my interest with it to stay- not really expecting anyone to read it. And now, here I am, 100 posts later, and blogging has become my favorite aspect of my erotic art career!
Blogging has taught me a great deal about the direction I should be going with all this. I know I want to get better, and I know I want to give you guys the artwork YOU want. That’s what gets me off– drawing what turns you guys on!

Hence this celebratory piece. Last time you saw Ryan, our beefy god of thunder, he was rocking out, electrocuting his mighty dong. I know he’s the favorite of the Omega Phi fratboys, and thusly he’s become my favorite. Here, he’s perhaps wrapped up a morning run or gym workout and has stopped to pose and show us his awesome power. Not one for modesty at all, Ryan loves showing off and very much enjoys his devoted following.

Soooo, thanks for giving me the strength and motivation to keep working! I’m here to deliver PORN 4 U!

PS: You may have noticed my sites were down most of the week. My lovely webhosts just up and… do that sometimes. If you tried to e-mail me during that time and it bounced back, please re-send now.Yeah, it’s pretty maddening. I am correcting the issue as I type– rest assured heads will roll.

My New Home… Someday

By | hairy, Original Art, rant | 7 Comments
So I was in Barcelona for 8 days! Amazing vacation. I always used to say, I could never permanently live anywhere but New York. But now, I can add Barcelona to that. Barcelona is a very metropolitan city. It’s almost as diverse as New York, has awesome public transportation, and all the amenities of a thriving major city. The architecture, both old and new was amazing and the public spaces, like the parks and such, were just immaculate.

The best was the boys. Dude… boys and men in this city are ridiculously hot. I’m not exaggerating at all. They are so my type… olive complexion, hairy chests, crew cuts, sideburns, 5’o’clock shadows, and since they love football (soccer) so much, they’re all fit. Like even the “average” guys were hot by my standards. I don’t know how it’s possible. But all their faces seem to just have everything in the right place, ya know!? haha.

Negatives: 1) everyone smokes. 2) Catalan totally sounds like lispy Spanish. I can’t say “grathiath” (gracias) with a straight face. 3) they think the mullet is cool. No lie– 75% of all the young people there had some form of mullet. It’s like– in style. wth?

A Hunk For Your Birthday

By | chubs, commission, greeting cards, hairy, muscles, Original Art, xxx | 4 Comments
Hello chickadees. Anti-Heroes #3 is at the printer’s as we speak. In the meantime, I thought I’d show you all the other thing I’ve been juggling: a line of erotic gay greeting cards! The company that produces them contacted me a few weeks ago and although I was slightly overbooked, I took the job because– hey, it’s work. Us illustrators (or… part-time illustrator in my case) gotta take what we can get!

Rollover each card for the punchline that will be displayed on the inside. Note that I didn’t come up with these gag lines– just the characters and poses. I’ll have more cumming in the future, but for now, feast on these hunks. Which one’s the hottest?

Spotlight On: Pretty Pose Pom Pom Posse

By | hairy, muscles, old works, Original Art, twinks, xxx | 5 Comments
If you’ve ever visited my older site (the non-erotic one,) then you might have noticed a series of pieces starring these girls I call the Pretty Pose Pom Pom Posse.

The Posse began as a fleeting idea I had in college. It’s basically a send-up of one of my favorite Japanese anime series, Sailor Moon. A friend of mine got extremely upset that I’d draw cheerleaders in high heels. She didn’t get that was one of the jokes.
(Right: Pom Pom Posse Beginning; circa 1999)

The core group began as just four girls. Tiffany was the ditz, Natalie was the leader, Melanie was the brain, and Stephanie was the ho.

(Right: Pom Pom Posse Portraits; circa 2000)

I think it was my junior or senior year when I got a portfolio review by a guy at TokyoPop. He liked my work and encouraged me to submit something starring the girls. From then on, the Posse has been a work in progress in my head.

(Right: Posse Group Hug; circa 2000)

The first thing I did next was design Brittany. I had always felt a little hypocritical not including a brown character in the mix, being someone that is a huge proponent of diversity.

(Right: 1st Brittany; circa 2002)

Then, since I desperately craved a few male characters in this thing, I created Jeremy and Zachary. But then I quickly tired of the idea of male cheerleaders and removed them from the squad (but not from the storyline.) Jeremy, the brunette, is a hot shot heartthrob on whom all the girls have crushes. Zachary, the blonde, is Jeremy’s best buddy but more uptight than anyone else.
(Right: Jeremy & Zachary; circa 2002)

The girls underwent many revisions in my sketchbook, but this design for them is the most recent. Natalie gets a new hairdo and becomes a lot more of a snarky bitch while Brittany loses the dreadlocks but remains a no-nonsense tough broad.

(Right: The New Pom Pom Posse; circa 2008)

Upon seeing the movie D.E.B.S., (which is a-fucking-mazing… in a campy “aww this actually got funded” kinda way) my fetish for prep school uniforms was restored. So below are the versions of the girls and boys when not in Pom Pom mode.

(Below: Pretty Posse Preppy Type; circa 2008)

I won’t go into too much of the plot here, but I will tell you that one of the reveals is that Zachary and Jeremy not only have their own special transformations but also, of course, have the hots for each other! The drawing below was more for me than the actual story, being that the plot is kinda all-ages as I see it.

(Below: Devilishly Heavenly Detail; circa 2008)

But this is precisely why this series never went anywhere. I just don’t have the drive to finish it cuz it’s not porn! 🙂 Someday…

(Below: Devilishly Heavenly Wallpaper; circa 2008)

Strike a Pose

By | commission, Fan Art, hairy, muscles, Original Art, Street Fighter, twinks, Unzipped Media, video games, xxx | 6 Comments
Sooo, I am working on a number of large projects but, as usual, feel guilty about not posting. So here’s something you guys might enjoy that requires very limited work on my part.

Basically here are some of the reference materials I use. Some are pics from the internet, rough CG models from my partner, and some are photos of me! Sorry I’m censoring my face and bulge in these. As vain as I am, I am not comfortable with my face (or cock) being plastered all over the net.
I do however want my pecs to be appreciated though– haha!

Figure Drawing: Adam

By | figure drawing, hairy, muscles, Original Art, wet, xxx | 8 Comments
Many apologies for the long-time lack of updates, my fine feathered friends. I’ve been busy (as usual, blah blah blah– I know that’s been my mantra lately.) But along with an overhaul of the main site, finishing up issue 3, and maintaining the dreaded 9-5, I’ve been working on another top-secret project which will be frikkin’ amazing if it comes to fruition.

Today, I give you beautiful Adam, one of the regular models at the workshop. This guy is popular. When he’s there, EVERYONE shows up. I admit, even I was impressed the first time I saw him. For one, he actually looks like the preview picture he sends out. I can’t tell you how often it’s the case where the model looks nothing like the photo.

Adam looks to me kinda Italian-ish, but I really don’t know his ethnic heritage. He is fun and challenging to draw because he has these very unique features that sound like they’d make for a weird-lookin’ guy. He’s got a pronounced parrot beak, smoky eyes, and his dick is kinda… twisted. But he is absolutely gorgeous– solid muscular bod, thick dark hair in all the right places, and a tight little butt that makes me salivate. All of his features together make up this stunning… scrumptious… perfect.. DEITY of masculinity. I exaggerate not. He is often depicted as Jesus in some of the other artist’s work.

He’s also a very nice guy. Humble, smiles a lot, and I can tell he genuinely gets off on having all these guys swoon over him. I almost feel a little bad that my drawings don’t capture how hot this guy is. Well, at least I got his awe-inspiring reverso-cock correct! You guys– it is absolutely amazing! Great to watch it go from soft to hard. I mean, when it gets hard, it looks pretty normal with a typical curve. But soft… you totally wanna pick it up and like… twist it.

Everyone Should Draw Orc-Sized Cocks

By | Anti-Heroes, Caleb, guest art, hairy, muscles, Tai, twinks, xxx, Zeke | One Comment
The other day, I was delighted to find this masterpiece of fan-art drawn by a Jeremy Thew in my inbox! In his words, he wanted to prove to a friend that he could draw orc-sized cocks!

Jeremy puts the Anti-Heroes in their outfits from Issue #1 and really seems to capture all the little subtle details I stick in those guys. I love how adorable he made Tai, what with that cute anime smile! I also really love the way he renders nipples… very pluckable!

He has two more galleries online that I think deserve a looksie. His DeviantArt site features a lot of cool Sailor Moon fan-art while his Y!Gallery site has some great xxx pics of pretty boys and their pretty dongs.

Thanks again, Jeremy! I LOVE the piece and am happy to have been introduced to your work!

Pedro y Pablo

By | hairy, muscles, old works, Original Art, xxx | 13 Comments
When I was 14, I got a scholarship to a snooty private high school because of a test I took. But I absolutely HATED any work that I had to take home with me. I avoided studying and cramming and research like the plague. The only thing that kept me kinda on par with all the stupid little future ivy leaguers was that I was a good test taker. Well, that and my ability to get out of reports by handing in comics and illustration instead!

Pedro y Pablo was for sophomore Spanish class, I think, and I’m pretty sure the official assignment was some kind of research project. I instead chose to write and illustrate a violent children’s book. No fair laughing at my crazy hands and feet, okay? Whaddaya want, I was 14!

Pedro y Pablo Habia una vez dos chicos gemelos que eran muy diferentes entre si: Pedro y Pablo. (Once upon a time, there were 2 twin boys who couldn’t be any less alike: Pedro and Pablo.)

Pedro era listo, exitoso y tenia una hermosa novia llamada Raquel. Pablo era malvado. (Pedro was smart, successful, and had a beautiful girlfriend named Raquel. Pablo was evil.)

Los padres de ambos sabian que habia algo mal con Pablo cuando mato a los othros bebes en el hospital donde habia nacido. (The boys’ parents knew something was wrong with Pablo when he killed the other babies in the hospital where he was born.)Por lo que se deshicieron de el. (So they sent him away.)Pablo se convirtio en un ciminal y asi un dia acabo en la carcel. (Pablo grew up to be a criminal and was eventually locked up.)Los siquiatras de la prision, sin embargo, diagnosticaron que la maldad de Pablo ero producto de genes defectuosos y una mala crianza. (However, prison psychiatrists said that Pablo was evil because of bad genes and faulty parenting.)Cuando salio de la carcel Pablo se vengo de sus padres pegandoles un tiro en la cabeza. Luego ato a su hermano y lo escondio en el baul del carro. (When released, Pablo took revenge on his parents by shooting them in the heads. He then tied his brother up and hid him in the trunk of his car.)
Pablo se posesiono de la vida de Pedro. Convirtio a sus amigos estudiosos en gangsters y a Raquel en una prostituta. (Pablo took over Pedro’s life, turning his nerd friends into gangstas and Raquel into a ho.)Pero con su nuevo novio, Raquel se sintio llena de vida. Juntos se embarcaron en una ola de crimenes. (Raquel finally felt alive with her new man. Together they went on a crime spree.)
Cuando por fin lorgo escaparse, Pedro intento retomar el control de su vida pero Raquel le metio un tiro en la ingle. (When Pedro finally escaped and proceeded to take his life back, Raquel shot him in the groin.) La moraleja es que no vale la pena ser bueno en la vida. (The moral of this story is that it does not pay to be nice.)
Yeah, I am pretty embarrassed about the ridiculous violence in this. What can I say? The late 80’s and early 90’s were all about blood and giant automatic weapons. That was “in.” Also, back then, being in the closet, I felt that I definitely needed a “hook” or “trademark” for my work to detract for any ambient gayness it might exude. The shock value of gratuitous violence was my hook.

Now it’s fat penises.

I dunno why…

By | hairy, muscles, Original Art, xxx | 5 Comments
…I feel so guilty when I haven’t posted on here in a while. It’s like I’m neglecting a child. Well, rest assured, I am indeed working– not slacking. All I effing do is work. Just not enough on the stuff that’s fun.

Here’s a little doodle from a few days ago– another cute boy with a massive member. Enjoy!

Figue Drawing: Tony

By | figure drawing, hairy, muscles, Original Art, twinks, wet, xxx | 7 Comments
For this series of drawings, I really took the time to get to know these new water based markers I’d bought the week before. They don’t blend as well as the alcohol based ones but this particular brand does boast a few other assets. For one, they have a brush tip, allowing me to create lines that look a little like brushstrokes. That’s kinda cool.

The model was a first-timer by the name of Tony. Admittedly, I am not the hugest fan of PA’s, but it was fun to draw something new down there.

So just when I’d gotten used to drawing my little caricatures of Tony, we were treated to an added bonus– namely Brandon! Two for one!

Brandon, or the walking rug, as Wabbit called him, looked a lot more buff than I remembered. He also seemed very into Tony.

A note on this final drawing: talk about challenging! The models were so hot for each other that once they really got into it, they couldn’t hold still for nothin’! It’s so difficult to draw two bodies in perpetual motion that a lot of the other artists simply gave up. But youze guys know I’m a fuggin’ TROOPER and managed to produce something that I’m actually quite proud of. I feel like I really captured a sense of movement there.


By | Fan Art, hairy, Marvel, muscles, video games, wet, X-Men, xxx | 9 Comments
Weeks ago, when I polled you guys about which video game cover I should redo, I thought that I’d get some varied responses. Silly me must have momentarily forgotten how uber-popular X-Slash is here in Netland. X-Men Legends led the poll overwhelmingly from start to finish. (Sorry, Link fans, you’ll have to wait.)

X-Men Legends is a great game but it suffers from a syndrome from which most X-Men games suffer: a boring cover. Cue my redo. Choosing which characters to use was easy enough. I picked the 4 most iconic characters (all male of course, as this is the secret SEXY GAY version of the game.) Deciding to use the costumes I designed for them was also a quick decision. I figure, if everyone and their mother gets to do it, I should, being a devout fan and historian for decades.

The tough part was figuring out what they should be doing and how to pose them. I mulled through a myriad of different ideas, but none of them seemed as solid as the classic X-Men splash image. You know, the type of drawing that sells millions of comic books and never fails to make fans kick themselves after discovering that only one or two of the characters from the cover are actually in the book. haha.

I also had issues deciding how exactly to make this XXX erotic (particularly because I’d already drawn them all fully clothed!) I never tire of my rollover images, so I went with that, along with that cool glowing “X” that serves as the x-ray vision peephole for you guys. I have to say that even though he is not my favorite of the 4 I chose, I am most pleased with Logan in both the clothed and raunchy versions. I think after days of mucking around with it, I finally captured that Logan snarl!

I expect massive amounts of feedback, people– this is X-MEN FAN-ART here. ^__^

Rockin’ Ryan

By | hairy, muscles, Omega Phi, Original Art, xxx | 8 Comments

Not surprisingly, my boy, Ryan, the sexy reincarnation of the mighty Zeus, won the Favorite Frat Boys poll.

This was an old Kid Sonic sketch that I reworked into Ryan. One of my latest fantasies has been the sensuality of rock stars. So now, Ryan is a singer. Who knows whether he’s actually good or not… ‘cuz even if he wasn’t, it’s not like anyone would have the cahones to tell him!

I’ve wanted to work more with pencil for a while now, like one of my idols Tom of Finland. I tend to get a little frustrated when I find that I can’t really render like him. But then I figure, I can cover that up with other assets. Like for one, I do surface design (pattern; textiles,) and I felt very early on while doing this piece that I wanted his outfit to contain some really intricate hand-drawn pattern work. It’s the type of outfit only a man like this could get away with, eh? Comments appreciated.