Category Archives: Capcom

Explosive Slugger

By | Capcom, Fan Art, muscles, twinks, video games, wet, xxx | 6 Comments
Here’s a treat since I’ve been neglecting my porn duties as of late. This was actually a super-old sketch I recently came across. I remember when I drew it, I was going through one of my “anti-fan-art” periods, which was why I didn’t finish it. So today, I modified it a little, threw some color on it, and here you go!

For those who don’t know, this is SHOMA, another genius creation from the guys at Capcom. He is from the Rival Schools game series, which was one of the most innovative and down-right FUN fighting games of all time. In the games, he is a hot-tempered baseball player who is self-conscious about his height and carries a gigantic baseball bat everywhere he goes.

He has a move that is extremely suggestive– the one where he holds the bat at his crotch and pokes the opponent with it. He then lifts the opponent into the air, flings them off of the bat, and sort-of waggles it a little as if he was shaking himself off after a piss.

Lusty Pirates

By | Capcom, commission, hairy, muscles, toys, twinks, Unzipped Media, video games, xxx | 8 Comments
*EDIT 5-25-07: I’m taking down 3 of the illustrations until the issues of [2] hits stands.

So here’s the latest thing I’ve been working on: a group of illustrations to accompany a story about pirates in [2] magazine.

Basically, it’s about a beautiful blonde male model who is getting shots taken on a fake pirate ship in the Bermuda Triangle. But then, of course, lightning strikes, and the model is mystically transported back in time to a real pirate ship.

Of the four drawings, my favorite is the one with the group of pirates all ogling the pretty boy tied to the mast. I had fun designing the characters. My partner said I made the Black one look a little too insane– LOL. It’s the eyes. I definitely wanted them all to look crazed.

I’m also proud of how the captain came out. I was worried I’d have trouble making him appear as gruff as a pirate captain would be while still trying to make him as attractive as the story describes. Hopefully, it worked. I’d join this guy’s crew before Jack Sparrow’s any day! (Not to put down Johnny Depp, who will always be high on my list of doable Hollywood!)

For an added bonus, below, you can see the reference pic I took to visualize the group shot piece. A Street Fighter gangbang– wouldn’t that be hot?!

OK, I Know I’m a Freak

By | Capcom, rant, Street Fighter, toys, video games | 10 Comments
But I couldn’t resist! Birdie, Ibuki, and Akuma came in the mail today and I just had to spazz out for a second. Now my collection is complete! Kinda. Don’t have Sodom or Remy– but I didn’t want them anyway.

Isn’t the bucket full of extra heads and fists creepy?
Next post, we’ll get you guys some porn– promise!

Haggar Lays Pipe

By | Anti-Heroes, Capcom, Fan Art, muscles, video games, wet, xxx | 2 Comments
Glorious nostalgia was once again brought to me as I popped “Capcom Classics Collection” into my PS2 a few days ago. Me and wifey were in the game store and wanted to buy something but were peeved at their selection. So we bought a used copy of CCC becasue it was cheap and actually had the original Final Fight on it. I figure since I’ve been going on and on about Streets of Rage, I might as well remind myself of the game that originally got me into SOR.
Everyday after school, I’d stop by the local bodega where they had the Final Fight coin-op and popped in as many quarters as I had left from my lunch money. Some days, I purposely ate light just so I could have enough money to play it sufficiently. I never got very far. But I always picked big ‘ol Mayor Mike Haggar. He was my favorite. I don’t know why– I wasn’t into bears or big burly men or anything. Maybe I was just responding to what an ingenius character the guy is. This former Street Fighter, now Mayor of an urban hellhole, takes the law into his own hands, along with a couple knives or pipes.

When Street Fighter 2 replaced Final Fight at the corner store, I was awestruck and immediately forgot about Final Fight. Little did I know back then that Street Fighter and Final Fight were created by the same guy. And get this– SF2 was originally supposed to tie-in to Final Fight with the inclusion of Haggar! Sometime during production of the game, however, Haggar was changed into a new character, Zangief. This is the real reason why Zangief and Haggar have the same moves. To explain this in the storyline (now that Final Fight and Street Fighter are truly united) it’s said that Zangief and Haggar trained together. Sadly, Haggar hasn’t been playable in a Street Fighter game yet even though all his lackeys have. So this is my tribute to my favorite Mayor and a truly awesome game. (Which I finally beat since Final Fight on Capcom Classics Collection has unlimited continues! It’s almost the equivalent of popping about 10 bucks into a coin-op! ^___^)

I’m also including another censored Splash Page preview from Anti-Heroes Issue #3. This one features Nuke, whom I talked a little about in my last post. Enjoy!

Eff Capcom

By | Capcom, rant, Street Fighter, video games | 3 Comments
Warning: Nerdy Rant Below

Yesterday, I caught the review X-Play did on Street Fighter Alpha Anthology. I was really excited to see what they had to say about it because I like X-Play’s in-depth, hard-hitting, no-nonsense game reviews. However, I was dissappointed to see that they gave SFA Anthology the most glossed-over, sugar-coated review ever. All they said was, “We like Street Fighter,” over and over and reminisced about the old games included in SFA Anthology.

Anyone who really likes Street Fighter will not like SFA Anthology because, duh, they already own all the games. I’m sick to death of all these candy-ass reviews heralding SFA Anthology as the best thing since sliced bread. You already own these games! Why go out and buy them again?

Yes, I want a new Street Fighter but I’ll take what I can get, like most Street Fighter fans out there. Give us just a tidbit of new content, and we’ll eat it up– even if 98% of the rest of the game is recycled (cough cough Capcom Fighting Evolution cough).

The supposed new content on this Anthology is apparently the new ISMs. But get this, the new ISMs are only available to certain characters. I was so excited at the possibility of playing with a Marvel-ized version of Blanka or Sagat. But no, we get Ryu. If I wanted to play with the Marvel-ized version of Ryu, I’d pop in X-Men vs. Street Fighter.

Or Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter.

Or Marvel vs. Capcom.

Or Marvel vs. Capcom 2!

See my point? We’ve seen it over and over again and if we’re real fans, we OWN the games already!

In addition to that little slap in the face, they also didn’t decide to include the PSP or GBA versions of Alpha 3 which feature new characters and are essentially upgrades to Alpha 3. In truth, Street Fighter Alpha Anthology isn’t really an anthology because these games aren’t included.

I urge anyone who is thinking about buying this game to simply pull out whatever version of Street Fighter Alpha 3 they own and just play that. I mean, it just makes me mad because I want to buy it just to show the world that there are still people who like and want 2D fighters. But I should want to buy it to PLAY it, not to make a statement. And nothing about this game makes me want to play it.

That is all.

Paper Dolls

By | Capcom, cutesy, Fan Art, muscles, old works, Street Fighter, video games | 8 Comments

I have a few younger siblings and growing up, we were all into toys. But the problem was, they never made toys of the things we liked. So for as long as I can remember, I’ve made paper dolls for myself and my sibs.

I remember some of the really early ones I did were freaky. Like for instance, when I was like 8, I made my own Masters of the Universe paper dolls. I don’t have them anymore but I remember they had really short legs and big loin cloths. I also made some of the KoopaKids and made up a mom for them who was basically Jessica Rabbit with a turtle head. My parents saw that and were grossed out.

In my teen years, I got really into it and started laminating them so when we played with them they wouldn’t tear. I came across them recently while going through my old stuff. These are of Mega Man and Street Fighter characters. I took liberties on some of the characters and in a lot of cases, drew them how I wished they looked.

The link to all these guys is here:

Geez, don’t you hate it when you go to a porn blog and get all excited to see that there’s a new post only to get let down when it’s some crap that’s not porn? HAW HAW. I’ll post somethin’ sexy next time– promise.