Category Archives: muscles

Figure Drawing: Roger

By | figure drawing, hairy, muscles, Original Art, wet, xxx | 13 Comments
So last Wednesday, I attended the Leslie Lohman Foundation‘s Queer Men’s Erotic Art Workshop for the first time and let me tell ya, it was definitely worth it! It was nothing like I expected and exactly like I secretly wanted! Haha.

Back at Pratt, I had a LOT of figure drawing. With my major being Illustration, my advisors assured me that I should get as much figure drawing as possible. So about 4 times a week for 4 years I was sentenced to render the very repetitive brigade of weirdo models Pratt hired. Let’s see… there was Morbidly Obese Eviva, Johnny One-Nut, Coked-Up Keiko, Fat-Pussied Rose, Shaved Santa, Tampon String, Out of Work G.I.Joe, Senile Old Lady, and Beatles Haircut Guy With the Shit Stained Underwear… among others. Needless to say, I’d had my fill of figure drawing by the time I graduated and was content to let my imagination do the work from there on out.

So, imagine my delight at LLF when I saw hunky, hairy Roger! He was polite and outgoing and had the sexiest German accent. (He was Swiss.)

Despite much of the workshop feeling like school, I had a great time because I got to draw this gorgeous hottie. Although I really don’t know how I (or anyone there for that matter) was able to produce anything. It was wholly difficult to focus on drawing with such a sexy subject. But like the immortal Tom of Finland said “If I have an erection while doing a drawing, then I know it’s good.” Truer words were never spoken. Haha.

I’m glad to get back into figure. I think it gives my body or work this whole new facet you guys haven’t really ever seen. I feel like because it’s from life, it’s so much more real. Granted, I do take a lot of photo reference for my other stuff– but it really isn’t comparable to what I get from life drawing. I’m posting the whole set of all 8 of these on my main site in the Extra section. Enjoy!

Kid Sonic & The Stalker

By | commission, muscles, Original Art, twinks, wet, xxx | 12 Comments
Here we have two delectable new characters from the mind of the dude who gave us that sexy patriot, All-American.

First up is Kid Sonic, a cocky young hothead with a heart of gold. Yeah, he’s loosely based on the Flash with a dash of the Life of Ryan kid mixed in there. I really love the 2nd part of this drawing. He just turned out so damn cute!

Next is the Stalker, a fearsome brooder with a thirst for justice. It’s a toss-up between who I find more sexy– All-American or his flip-side counterpart, the Stalker. In regard to these guys, the Superman + Batman dynamic was discussed at length. If All-American is the bright and shiny idolesque hero, then the Stalker is the dark, creepy hero that no evildoer ever wants to cross… ever!

In case you haven’t noticed, character design is one of my absolute favoritest things to do in the whole wide world! And since me and the guy that gets these commissions share a love for sexy gay superheroes, churning these out ends up being a real treat for me!

The Icing on the Cake!

By | Anti-Heroes, Caleb, muscles, Original Art, Tai, wet, xxx, Zeke | 13 Comments
Hey, guess what! It has been one full year since I launched this blog! One year since I gave up my unnatural preoccupation with Y!Gallery. One year of my psychotic rantings about X-Men and video games. And one more year of me steadily churning out sexy cartoon wang for the public to enjoy!

Since I am obsessed with statistics, I feel like I need to report some averages for the past year. I’ve posted 46 times which comes out to a post about every 8 days. About 61% of those posts have been porny.

I wanted to thank everyone who visits and comments. Hearing what you guys think is very important to me. I value all of your opinions and truly enjoy communicating with all of you. So thanks again for making this all worthwhile and here’s to another year of bulgy bloggin’!


By | hairy, holiday themed, muscles, Original Art, wet, xxx | 9 Comments
Happy Halloween, my fellow gay art lovers! I thought I’d whip up a little image as I’d done last year just to keep up the tradition.

I actually really like Halloween, but my partner and I have sort-of been non-participants these past few years. Ever since we’ve been together, we’ve had one disastrous Halloween after another, so we finally decided that we’re just not going to do anything anymore.

Consider that perhaps one of our most memorable Halloween experiences was one year when we went to the parade. We stood next to this extremely loud, slightly mentally challenged woman who screamed and shouted the whole time. “SEXY!!! WOOHOO!! SEEEXY!!!” She’d call for people to come over to her and most were smart enough not to. The best was “YO, BEETLE-JUICE!! BEETLE-JUICE!!! COME HERE!! BEEEEDOOO-JOOOOS!!!” She would not let up. The guy she was yelling at was dressed like Edward Scissorhands.

That was like 4 years ago but to this day, whenever we see any reference to Edward Scissorhands, we look at each other and shout “YO, BEETLE-JUICE!”


By | Anti-Heroes, Caleb, guest art, muscles, Tai, wet, xxx, Zeke | 2 Comments
ZEKE: Anti-Heroes, Schmanti-Heroes– you’d never know because JC NEVER POSTS ABOUT US!!

JC: I’m workin’ on it, Zeke! My schedule is very demanding right now. And although I’m still working on stuff for you guys, you must realize that my art has branched out to encompass many other characters.

ZEKE: Screw that! The ANTI-HEROES are the ONLY characters you should be drawing! Luckily, someone else out there cares about us. These images are from a fan named K3RRY. Check out his gallery on Y!

JC: Thanks a lot for the fan-art, K3RRY. I really appreciate it. Anyone else who wants to join this cool elite group of visionaries, please feel free to send me fan-art of the Anti-Heroes!

ZEKE: Why? So you can QUIT on us? Pawn us off on other artists!?

JC: Precisely. MUA HA HA! Nah psyke, I love you guys. So stay tuned for a hot image of the terrific trio drawn by me. Not letting on what the theme of it will be– but trust me– you guy’s will love it. Also, check my Work Gallery as I’ve re-posted those Pirate images.

Redcoat Returns!

By | All-American, commission, muscles, Original Art, twinks, wet, xxx | 11 Comments
It’s that time again! Here we have the third installment in the Adventures of All-American and Golden Boy series!

The boys’ Winter Formal Dance is abruptly interrupted when they discover their arch villain Redcoat has returned and kidnapped one of their buddies! The setting is the grounds of the guys’ posh New England prep school.

This BG was fun to concoct and really sets the mood for the piece. Redcoat, as my client dictates, is an old enemy, possibly from way back in the Revolutionary War where he battled the heroic Ghost Soldier. Now he has mysteriously reappeared with a vengeance! He’s All-American’s version of the Joker or Lex Luthor– a real evil sunnuva. He was pretty fun to draw as well, and successfully convinced me that I can make a guy in a powdered wig hot. heehee.

And then we have the cute lil’ teenaged hostage. My client liked my design for him so much that he made him into a super-hero as well! Meet The Rebel, the latest sidekick for the patriotic super-duo. He’s loyal, eager, and ready to serve! Think of the “Batgirl dynamic” with a dash of Jimmy Olsen thrown in.

More on these guys to come…

Luke, Bobby & Sam

By | Fan Art, Marvel, muscles, old works, wet, X-Men, xxx | 10 Comments
Hubba Bubba, here it is: the final installment in my X-RATED X-MEN REMIX series. All of youze guys should know about these but if ya don’t, here’s what happened.
I redesigned all the X-Men in my voluptuous vision and then did erotic versions of Northstar, Banshee and Beast. Then I held a poll on Y!Gallery asking which characters should come next. Here were the results: Wolverine & Gambit 15%, Angel 14%, Colossus 13%, Nightcrawler 12%, Cyclops & Iceman 11%, Bishop 5%. And then I ended up completing them in that order.

So yeah, at first I was upset to see my two favorites at the bottom of the barrel. But then I thought, “Hey, since I’ll have to do my faves last, I’ll no doubt unconsciously make them BETTER than all the previous ones!” MUA HA HA!

Yes, Bishop and Iceman have always been my favorite male X-Men. I remember the day I first learned of Bishop. Picture an 11 year old me and a friend in the schoolyard one morning:

Nick: Dude, did you see the new issue of X-Men!? There’s this new Black guy and he’s BIGGER THAN COLOSSUS!!

JC: What’s his powers?

Nick: I dunno– some energy shit. BUT HE’S HUGE!

We skipped lunch and booked it to the local comic shop where I grabbed a copy of Uncanny #282. Bishop remained me and Nick’s favorite for a while– mullet and all. Although Nick eventually abandoned Bishop once he realized Bishop actually wasn’t bigger than Colossus. (size queen)

So yeah, if Bishop was the X-Man I wanted to be, then Iceman was definitely the X-Man I wanted to fuck. He was so fun and boyish, but maintained that jockish charm that really spoke to my teenage gay libido. I was sooo convinced Marvel was going to make him queer. Everything about his storyline in the 90’s led to it. But alas, they gave us Northstar instead. No offense to Northstar lovers out there but I can’t think of anyone who liked that guy before they made him gay.

Oh- and to prove my insane gay fandom for Bishop and Iceman, here is an extremely old, unfinished fanart of them. This is like circa 1997– don’t laugh at my deformed lookin’ hands!

Also adding my Cannonball into this mix. He was an afterthought for me which was why I never included him in the poll. I only did him because I wanted the complete set to total 20 and not 19. (I don’t like odd numbers– primes even less.) Don’t get me wrong, I love Sam– moreso than any of the others I almost made instead of him (Havok, Cable, Forge)– it’s just that I liked him better on X-Force than X-Men.

I thought it was appropriate to hurry up and post this before this new cartoon “Wolverine and the X-Men” comes out. I’ll take X-Men in any media I can find, but this cartoon looks like its gonna be the worst of all. First off, I’m not feeling this overly svelte design for Wolverine. And I’d rather a more popular character get the spot that it seems they’ve given to Forge. Also, why is Emma confirmed so soon and not Storm or Jean? If those two aren’t included, then its not X-Men. I mean, X-Men is supposed to be about accepting diversity– giving blond-haired blue-eyed Emma a spot over Storm is a travesty. Opinions?

Oh– and one final thing. I have a sekushi wallpaper of all of my male X-Sluts up in my new wallpapers section of my site! Take a peek.

Supreme Bukkake

By | elves, hairy, muscles, Original Art, Supreme Dominion, wet, xxx | 14 Comments
Here we have a bit of a blast from the past as I’ve decided to whip something up featuring characters from my long defunct series, Supreme Dominion.

For those of you who don’t know, SD began as a senior thesis project for one of my illustration classes. My good friend and I thought it’d be fun to make up our own video game. It would be a fighting game in the tradition of Street Fighter or Rival Schools with a medieval fantasy twist.

I created 33 characters with elaborately intertwined stories and initially wanted him to design half of them. But after I saw a lot of his design ideas, I ended up redesigning most of the characters chosen for him (bit of a control freak here, what can I say?) His strength was in designing the elves, so I actually kept those characters true to his vision but gave them a bit of a wardrobe change.

We both got B’s on the project and apparently would have gotten A’s if we actually made the video game. Needless to say, our teacher didn’t quite know how difficult that would have been. haha! Joking aside though, after I graduated, I really did have massive plans for Supreme Dominion. But then, one project led to another and another and another until I finally kinda forgot about SD. I think this was because I was getting more and more into my homoerotic art and SD didn’t really have any gay characters.

But then I noticed that many of my gay art site visitors loved the concept of my medieval fantasy fighter. I was constantly being asked what I was going to do with the series. I’ve played around with ideas but nothing has really come to fruition just yet. The most I’ve done is “slashed” the male characters, making for some hot, sexy drawings.

So we’ll see what eventually happens to the cast of my beloved beat-em-up. Featured in the NEW piece at the top are Sir Vanderlorne the knight, Jaygar the barbarian, Paxton the merchant, Keth the half-ogre, and the dude getting “bukkaked” on is Ruschae the elf.

The Origin

By | All-American, commission, muscles, Original Art, twinks, wet, xxx | 10 Comments
Welcome to part two of my blog installments of my buddy’s sexy patriotic super-duo, All-American and Golden Boy. Previously, we got to see the boys’ secret prep school identities and how they’d fare against zombie bellhops. Now we are exploring how they became super-heroes in the first place with this three-part series of illustrations.

In the first one, as skinny teens, Todd and Cameron discover an old chest in a dusty attic from which a ghastly specter appears. The ghost is a soldier from the American Revolutionary War and also a super-hero in his own right.

He then sexily “bestows” the boys with their super-powers while their new muscles burst free of the confines of their attire. (My personal favorite step in this process… ^___^)

Finally, the proud ghost soldier looks on as the boys nobly accept their new identities as super-heroes.

This series was particularly fun as I got to explore new techniqes with the ghost and his power effects. Also, even though the background was a pain, it was pretty satisfying to get it done. So expect more from me about this duo because I’ve totally fallen in love with them and their story.

Also, let my client know what a cool premise this is for a comic book! You’d buy it right?