This was for the guy who got all those commissioned pieces of his character All-American and all his sexy cohorts. It’s a genuine fan-art piece on my part as it was totally unsolicited.
It’s purposely ambiguous as to what exactly happened to these boys to bring them to this point. It could have been a really bad-ass supervillain– or a conglomeration of a bunch of supervillains!… or a natural disaster– or a manmade disaster!… or some fantastic Godzilla / Cthulhu-type creature!! Maybe they lost… or maybe they won but had to sacrifice something very dear to them! Who knows?! All I really wanted going in was to capture an emotion. I wanted to rough them up a little and make it feel like some unnecessary violence just transpired.
As for the rough and gritty coloring job, I wanted it to reflect the mood of the moment. And originally, I envisioned sunset lighting but the end result just wound up looking a bit like a nuclear bomb went off in the sky… which I guess could work too, storywise. heh. Comments appreciated!