All posts by JC

Figure Drawing: Conrad

By | figure drawing, muscles, Original Art, xxx | 5 Comments
The following week, armed this time with non-toxic markers, I got to draw Conrad, a beautiful young man with plenty of muscles to spare… who, in these drawings, doubles as a CRAZY GAY SUPER-HERO! HAHA!

For some reason, that day, I was very much in the mood to stylize and hey, super-heroes are my thing, so, voila!

What’re his powers? Sitting around looking pretty. HAHA! A special No-Prize to anyone who can think of a codename for this dude. There’s just a few more are up in the figure drawing section of my site.

Oh, and yes, there is a slight adjustment to the previous post with Nelson. I ended up really hating that blue feathered fill i put on his fur coat. So those versions of those pieces are GONE FODDEVAA!!! I like this newer effect better. For now…

Figure Drawing: Nelson

By | figure drawing, muscles, Original Art, xxx | 6 Comments
GAH! So, I know it’s been a while since I’ve porned you guys up. You have my humblest apologies. Things have been super busy on my end, and as always, I have tons of stuff half-completed (including a scrote-load of new figure drawings!)

This model’s name was Nelson– a real hottie. I was turned on the minute I saw him. Unfortunately, I left early that day, so I only have 3 drawings to show. Why’d I leave early? Well, for 1, I wasn’t feeling great. 2) Some asshole old troll was throwing shade, stating, among other things, that the workshops were much better years ago before they got so crowded with all the new people. Naturally, I took offense to that. 3) I was all set to use my markers, but after the first drawing, I was informed they weren’t allowed. In truth, they are a bit noxious.

So I bounced– and of course, everyone assumed that I was just not into the model. But the truth was anything but. He was really cute with his floppy uncircumcised willy. I bet he would’ve came like a fountain. Damn it.

As the Tears Flow

By | Capcom, King of Fighters, rant, SNK, Street Fighter, video games, videos | 5 Comments
A trailer for King of Fighters 12 has been released and it looks so fucking beautiful, it makes me want to sob.

For those that don’t know, The King of Fighters is a long-running fighting game series produced by SNK/Playmore. But what makes KOF12 so hot is that they’ve set out to make the MOTHER of all 2D fighters, redrawing EVERY sprite in HD and upping the animation frame-rate more than double what it was! What I’m tryna say is that the animation is so good, it frikkin’ looks like you’re playing a Disney movie!

This must come as such bad news for Capcom and the Street Fighter 4 camp, who (controversially) decided to abandon 2D for their popular franchise. They thought 2D was dead. Oh, ye of little faith. Part of me feels bad for Capcom because by making the game 3D, they’re competing with the likes of Soul Calibur and Tekken, a battle they’re destined to lose.

SNK/Playmore is basically “running unopposed!” So, kudos to the folks over at SNK/Playmore for believing in 2D and thusly believing in the fans that made their franchise so popular. And Capcom? Well, sorry ‘cuz Street fighter 4’s gonna look like a hot mess when compared to ANY of the other fighters coming out.


By | Fan Art, hairy, Marvel, muscles, video games, wet, X-Men, xxx | 9 Comments
Weeks ago, when I polled you guys about which video game cover I should redo, I thought that I’d get some varied responses. Silly me must have momentarily forgotten how uber-popular X-Slash is here in Netland. X-Men Legends led the poll overwhelmingly from start to finish. (Sorry, Link fans, you’ll have to wait.)

X-Men Legends is a great game but it suffers from a syndrome from which most X-Men games suffer: a boring cover. Cue my redo. Choosing which characters to use was easy enough. I picked the 4 most iconic characters (all male of course, as this is the secret SEXY GAY version of the game.) Deciding to use the costumes I designed for them was also a quick decision. I figure, if everyone and their mother gets to do it, I should, being a devout fan and historian for decades.

The tough part was figuring out what they should be doing and how to pose them. I mulled through a myriad of different ideas, but none of them seemed as solid as the classic X-Men splash image. You know, the type of drawing that sells millions of comic books and never fails to make fans kick themselves after discovering that only one or two of the characters from the cover are actually in the book. haha.

I also had issues deciding how exactly to make this XXX erotic (particularly because I’d already drawn them all fully clothed!) I never tire of my rollover images, so I went with that, along with that cool glowing “X” that serves as the x-ray vision peephole for you guys. I have to say that even though he is not my favorite of the 4 I chose, I am most pleased with Logan in both the clothed and raunchy versions. I think after days of mucking around with it, I finally captured that Logan snarl!

I expect massive amounts of feedback, people– this is X-MEN FAN-ART here. ^__^

Anti-Heroes by Aneros

By | Anti-Heroes, Caleb, guest art, muscles, Tai, xxx, Zeke | 3 Comments
I love to support other artists working in the field of gay erotica… and I also love seeing my Anti-Heroes depicted by other artists. Such is the case here, a piece I commissioned from Aneros. I’d followed his work for some time and am a huge fan of his depiction of the Blue Bomber. So when I saw he was taking commissions, I dove in!

Aneros drew each of the Anti-Heroes separately and then combined the single images into the sexy masterpiece above. Tai looks extra heroic holding that sword and Zeke’s pose and expression are positively adorable. But I think where this piece really shines is on Caleb. The coloring on the figure is very rich and the weapon design is awesome! it’s different from anything I’ve ever drawn, and yet, I could still picture my favorite cyborg megalomaniac toting it with no problem!

Please visit Aneros’ Labyrinth to see each of the figures separately as well as all his other delicious work. And a big special thanks goes out to Aneros for officially joining the Anti-Heroes guest artists club! Now who’s next?

Rockin’ Ryan

By | hairy, muscles, Omega Phi, Original Art, xxx | 8 Comments

Not surprisingly, my boy, Ryan, the sexy reincarnation of the mighty Zeus, won the Favorite Frat Boys poll.

This was an old Kid Sonic sketch that I reworked into Ryan. One of my latest fantasies has been the sensuality of rock stars. So now, Ryan is a singer. Who knows whether he’s actually good or not… ‘cuz even if he wasn’t, it’s not like anyone would have the cahones to tell him!

I’ve wanted to work more with pencil for a while now, like one of my idols Tom of Finland. I tend to get a little frustrated when I find that I can’t really render like him. But then I figure, I can cover that up with other assets. Like for one, I do surface design (pattern; textiles,) and I felt very early on while doing this piece that I wanted his outfit to contain some really intricate hand-drawn pattern work. It’s the type of outfit only a man like this could get away with, eh? Comments appreciated.

The Vault Reopened

By | Anti-Heroes, Fan Art, Marvel, muscles, old works, Original Art, Tai, twinks, X-Men | 9 Comments
So I’m in an annoying state right now where I have tons of drawings only halfway done. I like to work on more than one thing at a time but usually they’re are all at different levels of completion. This time, everything I’m working on is kinda far from being finished.

Looking back, I shouldn’t have been so post-crazy during the month of January. I doubled my normal post rate that month instead of saving things for a time like now when I have absolutely nothing to post. But ah well, it was all stuff I wanted to share immediately and anyone who knows me knows that patience is not my strong suit. bleh.

Cue this latest barrage of ancient drawings! This is all stuff you guys have never seen– all stuff from my drawers and folders and sketchbooks from the past. I’ll show them in chronological order. This first one is circa 1999. I was in my 1st or 2nd year of college and was busy writing erotic stories about X-Men and posting them on the web. This was one of the ones I illustrated as well. All I remember about the story was that I wrote a really good closeted Iceman. HAHA.

Next up was this strange idea I had circa 2002 to create a team of magical heroes based on Sailor Moon— except they’re all boys. I think maybe halfway through the sketch, I realized how gay this was and abandoned it.

This Tai drawing was probably done around the same time. I used photo reference to draw all three of the Anti-Heroes as realistically as I could. I really hate the way Zeke and Caleb came out so you guys can’t see those.

Lastly is a sketch of Nightcrawler I did maybe 4 years ago. Hope you guys enjoyed this blast from the past. I get so worried showing old stuff because I definitely feel like I’ve progressed much farther than this. I hope new visitors to this blog don’t think this is representative of my current work. I guess that’s more incentive for me to post something new ASAP!

Patrick Does TAI!

By | Anti-Heroes, guest art, muscles, Tai, xxx | 6 Comments
If you read the comments on this blog, then you’ll know that the incomperable Patrick Fillion was working on a drawing of my character, Tai. I recieved this present in my e-mail a few days ago and I have to say, I nearly fainted upon actually seeing it!

Patrick is, without a doubt, the most accomplished illustrator working in the field of gay erotica today. Class Comics, created and run by Patrick and his partner Fraser, has done a lot to progress the discovery and exposure of other artists in this industry. All of us, artists and fans alike, owe thanks to what these guys have done and continue to do.

All that said, now you understand why I was FLOORED upon seeing Patrick’s rendition of Tai! His steady hand and attention to detail are phenomenal. Playfulness, innocence, and exuberant libido are all things I try to convey with Tai. Patrick’s seem to have captured them ALL with this one! Please comment and let him know what you think, and don’t forget to stop by his blog too!

And thanks again, dude! You rock the cock! (I haven’t heard that expression in about 10 years, but I still think it’s appropriate in this case. ^____^)

Figure Drawing: Rob & the Duo

By | figure drawing, muscles, Original Art, xxx | 6 Comments
Rob had a great body and an amazing bum– like very chunky. With this set, I alternated between gray and blue colored paper and used white pencil to indicate highlight. You know, just trying to do something new. I feel like the guys in the workshop are sick of seeing my regular old pencil drawings.

Next up, we have a hot duo! The tall guy’s name was Corey– he was about 6’5″ with a beautiful sinewy frame, shelf butt, and a willy that made even me do a double take. Corey was a regular model at the workshop and everyone knew him. Super friendly. His friend was a new guy and I couldn’t really get into him because he looked like my dad in the face.

Anyhoo, the full sets are on my site here. Let me know how you like these!

Favorite Frat Boys

By | chubs, hairy, muscles, Omega Phi, Original Art, twinks | 5 Comments
I have some unused sketches that I want to turn into personal pieces featuring my boys. Vote in the sidebar on your favorite Omega Phi fratboy. You’ll note that last time I asked you guys who was the hottest, Blogger didn’t have this nifty poll feature. So please vote in the sidebar and whichever cuties end up with the highest tally will be featured in some new illustrations. I’ve made it so you can vote on more than one character. If you don’t remember which guy was which, refer to my handy chart below and the original post.

Aaand, fans of these boys will be pleased to know that I am indeed working on a script for an Omega Phi one-shot comic book! It’ll introduce some new characters– pledges, if you will, and make them go through some utterly grueling hazing rituals!

By that I mean they’ll get fucked up the ass.