All posts by JC

Big Joe’s Garage

By | commission, hairy, muscles, Original Art, twinks, Unzipped Media, xxx | 4 Comments
This was for a piece of Freshmen fiction wherein an eager young lad interns at an auto garage. I actually live across the street from one and went over there to take reference photos.
Me: Yo, can I take a few pics real quick for a school project?

Hilariously Stereotypical Big Loud Boarish Italian American Guy Born & Raised in Brooklyn: YEAH? WUT SCHOOL YA GO TO?

Me: Pratt.

Hilariously Stereotypical Big Loud Boarish Italian American Guy Born & Raised in Brooklyn: OH, WHAT’S IT, SOME ARCHITECTURE SHYT?

Me: Um, yeah, somethin’ like that.

His reaction, though a perfectly normal tone for him, kinda startled the hell out of me because he was just so big and loud and projecting. It made me think for a minute how (thankfully) cutoff I am from certain cultures. The funny thing was, if he was that reactive over the lie, imagine if I’d told him the truth– that it was really for a drawing in a gay porno magazine! HEHE!

Eerily uncanny though, was that this assignment came right at a time when I was really into auto mechanics. (Refer to this post.) Remember how I mentioned the commercial for the trade school with the hot mechanic boy? Well, here he is! Yeah, I took pictures off the TV with my phone.

The Pretty COLORS!

By | classic cartoons, Fan Art, hairy, Marvel, muscles, Nintendo, Omega Phi, Original Art, Persuasions, video games, videos, X-Men | 7 Comments
Whilst fiendishly perusing the Humplex one day, I came across something that really piqued my interest (other than all the cum drenched hotties, I mean.)

Humbuged had some pics that he’d drawn on his Nintendo DS. Being the annoying guppie that I am, I always have the latest tekkie gizmos. Before I got my iPhone, I had a really amazing pocket PC smart-phone that was super customizable. At the time, I was friggin’ obsessed with finding a good digital painting program for it. But alas, none of them really worked.

I dunno why I was/am so preoccupied with a portable digital painter. So needless to say, when I discovered that I could get one for my trusty lil’ DS, I jumped all over that!

The application is called Colors! and it is a homebrew game created by Jens Andersson. It keeps things incredibly simple for ease of use. And the resulting works can look really amazing. I was never a real lover of any traditional media other than a pens and pencils, but this program makes it look like I can watercolor with the beat of ’em! Haha

My favorite feature of the game is that it records every single brushstroke so you can view an animation of the progress of your drawing! I’m so enamoured with this game, it’s not even funny. The only real problem is since I only really play with it in public (on the subway) I can’t really draw anything all that raunchy. When you have a DS or PSP or whatever, it’s a given that folks are gonna look over your shoulder. I don’t know if I could take the guilt of exposing some impressionable young tyke to a giant cartoon cock.

Guest Art Bonanza!

By | Anthony Gonzales, Anti-Heroes, Caleb, guest art, muscles, Persuasions, Supreme Dominion, Tai, twinks, wet, xxx | 8 Comments
So who knew when I said I’d love fan-art for my birthday that so many of you guys would do it?! I feel so special! I can’t tell you guys enough how much I appreciate it. It’s such a joy to see characters I’ve created get rendered by other artists. It’s like– the ultimate affirmation that my audience actually understands what I’m doing with all this. It never ceases to amaze me that people “get” my characters. So, once again– big thanx to everyone who turned out these mini masterpieces!
I love how RedValkyrie captured Toni‘s extreme beauty and femininity here:

And then here’s Tai, who is perfect for someone like Wabbit, who has a talent for drawing cute manga faces combined with the manly muscles of western comics:

Finally, I’d like to introduce you all to a phenomenal artist I’ve only recently just met. Anthony Gonzales was perhaps one of the first people to become friendly with me in these drawing sessions I’ve been attending. I noticed his awesome work in the class the first few times and then, one time he brought in his XXX portfolio of personal work. I must say, I was completely in awe of this traditional master renderer with his genuine love and understanding of the male form. He uses mixed media and when I say mixed– I mean MIXED! For example, many of his pieces featured beautiful African-American men with their “bling” done in metallic shimmery marker and sometimes even glitter! And he had this other piece where this guy was drinking spunk from the “tap” and it was done with Elmer’s glue! So brilliant! He gave me one of the pieces, shown below. I like to think it’s my character Drakaar from Persuasions. hehe

And then for my birthday, Anthony brought in these two pieces from which I’m still freaking out over. First up, we’ve got Paxton giving it to Tai, wondering if Caleb‘s unit will fit in as well! Look at the subtle detail in Paxton’s legs.

Next is Nuke and Preston marveling at the wonderful job they’ve done of sodomizing poor Jehosaphat. I especially dig the realism and expression that went into Preston’s face here.

Anthony does not have a site up just yet but I am pestering him to get on-the-ball about it. In the meantime, I think he is taking commissions via his e-mail addy. And you can also check out some work he did in the recently published Dirty Little Drawings.

Addendum (01-14-08):
I found 2 of Anthony’s pieces online. Not great repros, though.


By | All-American, muscles, Original Art, twinks, xxx | 8 Comments
I’ve always had a thing for superheroes in vulnerable moments. Ripped costumes, visible wounds, a solemn expression– it all really does it for me! Maybe it’s because it makes them seem a tad more human– brings them down to our level. Whatever the reason, I’ve had this image stuck in my head for months and just had to get it down on paper!

This was for the guy who got all those commissioned pieces of his character All-American and all his sexy cohorts. It’s a genuine fan-art piece on my part as it was totally unsolicited.

It’s purposely ambiguous as to what exactly happened to these boys to bring them to this point. It could have been a really bad-ass supervillain– or a conglomeration of a bunch of supervillains!… or a natural disaster– or a manmade disaster!… or some fantastic Godzilla / Cthulhu-type creature!! Maybe they lost… or maybe they won but had to sacrifice something very dear to them! Who knows?! All I really wanted going in was to capture an emotion. I wanted to rough them up a little and make it feel like some unnecessary violence just transpired.

As for the rough and gritty coloring job, I wanted it to reflect the mood of the moment. And originally, I envisioned sunset lighting but the end result just wound up looking a bit like a nuclear bomb went off in the sky… which I guess could work too, storywise. heh. Comments appreciated!

Sorry– Another Artless Post!

By | rant | 5 Comments
So, I’m finding that the reason I started this blog (to have an alternative to Y!Gallery) is slowly becoming somewhat moot. Y! is extremely addictive and was easily sucking away hours and hours of my life. But now I’m finding that I’m becoming just as crazy and obsessive about blog land! haha!

Don’t worry though, I’ve no intention of abandoning this blog any time soon. I do however want to say thanks to everyone who stops by and comments and a special thanks to people who’ve been linking this blog to theirs. I think linking is very important on the Internet. It’s the easiest form of advertising one could ask for. As an artist who’s goal is to do gay erotica fulltime, I need all the exposure I can get. And as a supporter of a great number of other gay artists, I am more than happy to return the favor.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is that I want my blogroll to consist of as many gay erotica artists and supporters as possible! And… ahem… it’d be nice if the favor was returned. I mean, we’re all in this for the same reason, correct? We all want this artform to become more widespread and thusly more accepted in the art world and by society as a whole. SO LINK ME PEOPLE! That is all.

JC, your friendly neighborhood pornographer

Make A Wish

By | hairy, muscles, Original Art, twinks | 6 Comments
Hello dah-lings! So, if you swing on over to, you’ll see some new work by yours truly. From the Cellar is a web comic written and created by Chuck McKinney. It’s about the loosely-reality-based adventures of a group of men who work at a hot bar in NYC.

I met Chuck years ago and did the first episode of his comic. Since then, he’s web-published 50 strips all drawn and colored by some of the hottest artists in this business. I figured, before this thing goes to print, I’ve gotta get at least one more episode in done in a more current style. It was pretty fun. My fave panel is this one pictured with all these hot boys grinding on one another!

Power Suit Preview

By | Anti-Heroes, Caleb, muscles, Original Art, xxx | 15 Comments
Here’s a sneak peek at what I have in store for Anti-Heroes#3. Caleb has an awesome power suit that he dons when things get too crazy for the Anti-Heroes to deal with at their normal levels.

Issue 3 will center around Caleb just as issue 2 centered around Tai. Both characters transform into suped-up versions of themselves. With Tai, it was Super Semen mode and with Caleb, it’ll be Power-Suit mode. Zeke‘s special issue will be #4 and I don’t want to spoil it here. Suffice to say, knowing Zeke, it will probably be full of fornication.

Why is this image grayscale? Well, I colored it quickly for the guys over at Prism Comics to put in their 2008 Comics Guide which is printed grayscale. Rest assured, Anti-Heroes#3 will be in full glossitacious colour!

End of the Year Musings

By | Capcom, figure drawing, hairy, muscles, Original Art, rant, Street Fighter, video games, videos, wet, xxx | 11 Comments
So just a few things to announce / rant about for the end of the year. Firstly, I’ve got some new figure drawing up for youze guys!

Here’s Gonzalo, a real he-man with amazingly bulgy muscular meaty thighs and thick luscious sable locks.

The following week was Brandon who was… very very fuzzy. I had some difficulty with this model’s face which is why you’ll notice I didn’t often draw his head. He had very big features and although he was pretty cute, I had trouble rendering a realistic likeness. So, I just made him a cartoon. In truth, I think it suits him better than any attempt at a realistic likeness.

I’m finding more and more by watching some of the other artists in the group that I have a unique way of blending stylization with realism. Most of the other artists there either work completey realistic or totally stylized.
Anyhoo, let me know what yalls think. Tons more are up on my site here.

The next thing I want to mention is that my previous excitement over the graphics for Street Fighter 4 is now gone. has footage of some in-game play and I have to say… it just looks very very polygonal to me. I mean… it kinda doesn’t look any more advanced than say Rival Schools or Street Fighter EX.

Call me a purist but think I’ve rejoined the “Street Fighter works best in 2D” camp. I mean… imagine a high-res, super-high frame rate Street Fighter with traditionally hand-drawn animation in the quality of something like Samurai Champloo. Now THAT would be groundbreaking. But when asked in the latest issue of EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly) why didn’t Capcom just make SF4 entirely 2D, Yoshinori Ono, the game’s lead producer said they’ve “done all they can with 2D” and that they “wouldn’t learn anything new.” Pssh, yeah, way to dodge that question, buddy.

Finally, I’d like to babble on about one more thing. My BIRTHDAY is very close to New Years and all my life, it’s been overshadowed by New Years and to some extent, even Christmas. However, I’m excited about THIS new year because it’s 2008 and 8‘s are my lucky numbers. I was born on 01-08-80 and this year, my 28th BIRTHDAY falls on 01-08-08! So my BIRTHDAY is kindof an anagram of my birthdate! Heh heh!

Oh, and by the way… fan-art makes a great
BIRTHDAY present…. ahem… (cough cough!)

Figure Drawing: Roger

By | figure drawing, hairy, muscles, Original Art, wet, xxx | 13 Comments
So last Wednesday, I attended the Leslie Lohman Foundation‘s Queer Men’s Erotic Art Workshop for the first time and let me tell ya, it was definitely worth it! It was nothing like I expected and exactly like I secretly wanted! Haha.

Back at Pratt, I had a LOT of figure drawing. With my major being Illustration, my advisors assured me that I should get as much figure drawing as possible. So about 4 times a week for 4 years I was sentenced to render the very repetitive brigade of weirdo models Pratt hired. Let’s see… there was Morbidly Obese Eviva, Johnny One-Nut, Coked-Up Keiko, Fat-Pussied Rose, Shaved Santa, Tampon String, Out of Work G.I.Joe, Senile Old Lady, and Beatles Haircut Guy With the Shit Stained Underwear… among others. Needless to say, I’d had my fill of figure drawing by the time I graduated and was content to let my imagination do the work from there on out.

So, imagine my delight at LLF when I saw hunky, hairy Roger! He was polite and outgoing and had the sexiest German accent. (He was Swiss.)

Despite much of the workshop feeling like school, I had a great time because I got to draw this gorgeous hottie. Although I really don’t know how I (or anyone there for that matter) was able to produce anything. It was wholly difficult to focus on drawing with such a sexy subject. But like the immortal Tom of Finland said “If I have an erection while doing a drawing, then I know it’s good.” Truer words were never spoken. Haha.

I’m glad to get back into figure. I think it gives my body or work this whole new facet you guys haven’t really ever seen. I feel like because it’s from life, it’s so much more real. Granted, I do take a lot of photo reference for my other stuff– but it really isn’t comparable to what I get from life drawing. I’m posting the whole set of all 8 of these on my main site in the Extra section. Enjoy!

The Buzz Begins

By | Capcom, rant, Street Fighter, video games, videos | 4 Comments
So– about a month ago, Capcom released this promo vid for Street Fighter 4.

It looked really cool, but we had to keep in mind that it WASN’T any indication of in-game play. This week, however, they’ve released a screenshot and MAAAN, it’s startin’ to look good! And I’m not just talkin’ bout Ryu’s bulge either (haha!) Apparently, gameplay will remain 2D based while the sprites and backgrounds will be polygonal.

Usually, I don’t like 3D characters but given the amazingly stylized treatment of this image, I’m going to have to make an exception. It looks as though they’re going for a real painterly look here. That’s something that I always really loved about the series– the art. It was always beautifully stylized, cutting-edge stuff. So let’s hope that Capcom can pull this off. Because if they can, I for one will be overjoyed at the revival of my favorite game series.