All posts by JC

Locker Room Studs

By | Fan Art, guest art, hairy, muscles, Persuasions | 5 Comments

Ever go to the gym and spot a hot guy checking you out? Does he follow you from machine to machine, surreptitiously glancing at you here and there? Does he conveniently end his workout at the same time as you end yours and follow you into the locker room? Does he brazenly undress in front of you, subconsciously begging your semi to become as engorged as his?

SUCH is the subject of this latest illo, a collaborative work with Fabrissou. He drew my character Marq while I drew his character Francis. Fabrissou is one of my favorite artists. His DeviantArt page has some of his more general work while his Y!Gallery displays his super-hot erotic material. What I love about Fabrissou is that he draws very masculine men– but renders them in very adorably. You just want to pinch their cheeks and zerbert their stomachs! Cocky version on my site.

SOLD OUT! Thanks!

By | Anti-Heroes, muscles | 4 Comments
So guess what?! I SOLD OUT of Anti-Heroes #1 and #2 this week! Remember when I first got them printed about 2 years ago, they were taking over my apartment? Well now they’re NO MORE! A big thanks goes out to everyone who bought my first two books.

And for those who missed out… fear not. There IS still a way to read the first two issues of Anti-Heroes. In my online store, you can purchase and download DIGITAL copies! These comics will be in PDF format, easily viewable on any computer. So if you haven’t yet caught on to the wildest queer comics out there, now’s your chance! And grab the printed version of #3 while you’re there– because now THAT’s taking over my pad! hehe!

Shameless Solicitation

By | Uncategorized | 3 Comments
Sooo, my BIRTHDAY is coming up January 8th. I’ll be 29! It’ll be the LAST YEAR of my 20’s!!! I’m a little freaked by this so feel free to send me my favorite BIRTHDAY present of all– FAN-ART!

JC Does MidnightMan

By | Fan Art, guest art, muscles, wet, xxx | No Comments

Above: MidnightMan by JC

Hey gang. So any follower of the gay erotic art scene should know IcemanBlue‘s work. He’s perhaps best known for doing long-format, super detailed, erotic web-comics featuring some of our favorite beloved mainstream characters. He’s made such a prominent name for himself over the years with the fan-art, most of his followers were heavily anticipating when he’d come out with some original characters.

Left: MidnightMan by IcemanBlue

That he has, and among them are MidnightMan. He is a Tomb Raider / Secret Agent and is the subject of the artist’s first printed work. Iceman’s gotten some of the most prolific artists in our field to do pin-ups of MidnightMan, including yours truly. Enjoy!

Below, Top Left to Right: MidnightMan by Patrick Fillion & AbsoluteBleu. Bottom Left to Right: MidnightMan by Humbuged, & Savage


Figure Drawing: Tyler

By | figure drawing, hairy, muscles, Original Art, wet, xxx | 3 Comments
Some of you have noticed that my erotic art goes through “phases.” A few years ago, I was experiencing the height of my “cummy” phase where I’d cover my cartoon studs from head to toe in semen. Right now, you could say that I’m in my “monster balls” phase. I have discovered that I have a fetish for large heavy nutsacks. It’s become something that I try to emphasize in my work. So, you can imagine my delight to discover this week’s workshop model, Tyler, a man naturally blessed with enormous testicles.

In general, I was very pleased with Tyler. His pic looked nothing like him (as usual) and showed him with short black hair and a completely shaven chest. So it was a awesome to see that in reality he was a redhead. I have a bit of a thing for the gingers. And what a bonus to discover he was really super hairy, something I’ve come to LOVE in these past few years. But as I said before, it was undeniably that huge pink bag between his legs that kept my mouth agape and cock hard the entire night.

I tend to find something attractive about all of the models who make it to my blog. But I think this guy was the first one I was actually attracted to. At one point during a break, he was walking around with a long line of precum dangling from his dickhead. You should have seen how tongue tied I got when he tried to make conversation.

3 of 7 here on the blog. The rest are up in Figure Drawing on

Figure Drawing: Luc

By | figure drawing, Original Art, twinks, xxx | 5 Comments
The one thing that remains consistent with these live drawing sessions is that my expectations are ALWAYS WRONG.
Case in point: I was pleased to find the photo of this week’s model, Luc in my e-mail inbox. Thin, young, and smooth, he was lying on a bed, draped in white linens, which only covered a small section of his flacid uncut peepee. So, I packed up my pink construction paper and geared up for a night of barely legal twink-themed fun.

I don’t know what the deal was but if you put that picture next to the guy I drew that night, you would not think they were he same dude. Either that pic was several years outdated or Luc just recently hit puberty. Granted, he was still thin and smooth– but his face… was just way more masculine than in that pic. He had a big ol’ man chin! It totally threw my twink mindset off.

And yeah, he had a humongous dong. Like huge. You guys know me, I don’t normally get freaked by big cocks. But this one really surprised me– not because of his build– cuz I’ve seen plenty of twinks with huge cocks. It surprised me cuz in that pic, it was SOOO tiny!

So, me, wanting to be true to this model, drew a kinda svelte, kinda young, square jawed man… with a gargantuan boner. But the other artists weren’t having it. They came to draw a boy and by-golly they drew Luc as boyish as possible! I dunno, maybe that’s just how he looked in their eyes. But some artists totally made up his dick out of their heads, drawing it much, much smaller than it was. Shit, if I was modeling and someone drew my dick an eighth of it’s size, I’d be kinda pissed.

And no, teddy is not made up. During set-up between poses, one of the artists says jokingly to the director, “So when are you gonna break out the teddy bear?” The director replies, “Should I? I did bring one…” And sure enough, the director brings out a teddy bear for Luc to cuddle while jerking off.

In the end, the class was full of drawings of little boys, and many of the artists were somewhat disturbed by them, claiming they’re going to have to shred them. Not wanting to take them home, Anthony sold a couple of his drawings right there on the spot.
And I guess mine were boy-ISH, but not nearly as shota-tastic as the rest. In fact, a few people noted that my drawings of Luc looked a little like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. Hence the “Zoinks.” 4 up here, 4 more in Figure Drawing on Anti-Heroes.Net .

Figure Drawing: James

By | elves, figure drawing, muscles, Original Art, wet, xxx | 4 Comments
Aw, lookey here– I’m giving youze your update a whole day early! Hee hee!

This week I give you James, another of the workshop’s beautiful models. I’ve drawn him with this crazy multicolored pencil I’ve recently acquired. Have any of you guys seen this thing?! It’s pretty awesome-tastic. It’s one pencil but the lead has 3 different colors randomly infused into it. So, depending on at what angle you draw, the color will change– like mid-stroke! INSANITY!

4 of the 9 drawings are posted here. The rest are in the Members Gallery of my site.

Now, on to James. The one word I think describes him most perfectly is… etherial. His features just look… not of this world. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad thing. It’s a very mysterious and unique look. Like, if we were in Middle-Earth, he’d definitely be an elf. His adorable grin seems to light up a room. You like– picture flowers sprouting where he steps.

James also has a hard, solid, seemingly marble-sculpted body. But somehow, even with all those muscles, he doesn’t come off bulky. Maybe it’s becasue he’s short and the proportions just all seem to fit.

More Birthday Hunks

By | commission, greeting cards, hairy, muscles, Original Art, twinks, xxx | 7 Comments
Here are the rest of the first wave of birthday cards I’m doing. The gag lines are not mine. I just designed and drew the characters. Remember to rollover each card for the inside image or joke. Who’s the cutest?!

Oh– and I have a few other news items to mention!

1) Patrick Fillion has done an issue of Boytoons on ANTI-HEROES #3! Check it out!

2) I have to give props to my web developer, Christine So. She does great work– if any of you need web help!

3) I WANT GAMES! All I have are the 2 that I’ve had forever– the Dress-Up game and the Baku Block game. If anyone knows who I can work with to get some web-games (either Flash or Javascript) of my Anti-Heroes up, please let me know. I’m a good client to work for. I pay! haha.

Ok, that is all.