All posts by JC

OK, I Know I’m a Freak

By | Capcom, rant, Street Fighter, toys, video games | 10 Comments
But I couldn’t resist! Birdie, Ibuki, and Akuma came in the mail today and I just had to spazz out for a second. Now my collection is complete! Kinda. Don’t have Sodom or Remy– but I didn’t want them anyway.

Isn’t the bucket full of extra heads and fists creepy?
Next post, we’ll get you guys some porn– promise!

Haggar Lays Pipe

By | Anti-Heroes, Capcom, Fan Art, muscles, video games, wet, xxx | 2 Comments
Glorious nostalgia was once again brought to me as I popped “Capcom Classics Collection” into my PS2 a few days ago. Me and wifey were in the game store and wanted to buy something but were peeved at their selection. So we bought a used copy of CCC becasue it was cheap and actually had the original Final Fight on it. I figure since I’ve been going on and on about Streets of Rage, I might as well remind myself of the game that originally got me into SOR.
Everyday after school, I’d stop by the local bodega where they had the Final Fight coin-op and popped in as many quarters as I had left from my lunch money. Some days, I purposely ate light just so I could have enough money to play it sufficiently. I never got very far. But I always picked big ‘ol Mayor Mike Haggar. He was my favorite. I don’t know why– I wasn’t into bears or big burly men or anything. Maybe I was just responding to what an ingenius character the guy is. This former Street Fighter, now Mayor of an urban hellhole, takes the law into his own hands, along with a couple knives or pipes.

When Street Fighter 2 replaced Final Fight at the corner store, I was awestruck and immediately forgot about Final Fight. Little did I know back then that Street Fighter and Final Fight were created by the same guy. And get this– SF2 was originally supposed to tie-in to Final Fight with the inclusion of Haggar! Sometime during production of the game, however, Haggar was changed into a new character, Zangief. This is the real reason why Zangief and Haggar have the same moves. To explain this in the storyline (now that Final Fight and Street Fighter are truly united) it’s said that Zangief and Haggar trained together. Sadly, Haggar hasn’t been playable in a Street Fighter game yet even though all his lackeys have. So this is my tribute to my favorite Mayor and a truly awesome game. (Which I finally beat since Final Fight on Capcom Classics Collection has unlimited continues! It’s almost the equivalent of popping about 10 bucks into a coin-op! ^___^)

I’m also including another censored Splash Page preview from Anti-Heroes Issue #3. This one features Nuke, whom I talked a little about in my last post. Enjoy!

Spotlight on the Bomb Squad

By | Anti-Heroes, muscles, Tai, Zeke | 8 Comments
Sorry ‘bout that last post. You know how it is when you have your own public space to say whatever you want. Sometimes ya get a lil’ ranty.
Anyhoo, I decided to give you guys a cool post. As you all know, I am an X-Men fan. For as long as I can remember I’ve been designing my own superheroes based on the idea of the X-Men. Such is the case with the Bomb Squad, my super-powered heroes for hire. If you are cool, then you bought Anti-Heroes #2, where the team makes its first appearance. Issue #3 (which is coming soon) will pit the Anti-Heroes against the Bomb Squad in a fierce battle! In this post, I thought I’d give you guys a bit of info on my bulgy new team and treat you to some sample panels of Issue 3! (Note: The image above is a very early incarnation of the team. Zeke and Toni have different roles in my comics and the character “Clod” was completely omitted.

was probably the first c
haracter I created for the team. He is potentially the team’s most powerful member, able to generate explosive bio-nuclear energy. He is romantically linked with his teammate, Headcase.

PARASITE, AKA Rene Benet is another character I’ve been drawing for a really long time now. As Caleb’s ex, she’ll, of course, make our gun-toting, salami-packing, anti-hero question his sexuality. I won’t reveal her powers here because I think they’re going to come as a real shock to readers.

Up next is VISCOUS. She has the power to convert herself into a slippery liquid form. She’s a lesbo and I’ve paired her up with Canine. Shes a former club-kid and has problems with drugs.

CANINE, as her name suggests, can morph into a lupine state. She’s wild and savage and says whatever’s on her mind. She’s also got a humongous pair of knockers.

HEADCASE is a telepath and will have a grand psi-battle with Zeke, the Anti-Hero’s telepath. She’s somewhat demure but confident about her powers.

Then there’s WAIF. As many of you will guess, she’s my signature character. When I first designed her, I was erring on the side of grotesque, but when my friends saw her, they thought she was absolutely beautiful! I guess they were responding to the fact that she wasn’t built like my usual big-tittied, monster-thighed divas. Again, I’m not revealing Waif’s powers here because I think they’re integral to the progression of the story. All I’ll say is that she “morphs.”

BINKY has been added to the team to appease my partner who is obsessed with helper monkeys. Don’t quite know what a team of superheroes would actually use the monkey for, but I’ll figure it out… I guess.

The next three characters will actually not make an appearance in Anti-Heroes#3 as they were created after I started work on the issue. You will notice, the characters who did make the first cut are mostly chicks. I dunno why that came about. I think it might be because I wanted to focus a lot on the relationship between Caleb and Rene and I thought if I introduced too many male characters, I’d not be able to fight the urge to have them all screw each other. When the Bomb Squad makes their next appearance, you can bet these new boys will enter the fray.

First up is BLITZ, whom you’ve seen if you go to my site at all. He’s supposed to be a little on the grim side and has acids running through his big, throbbing, pulsing veins of his. I’m going to change those shoes though becasue they look like old-school Christopher Robin.

Then there’s REXTILE, the rough, gruff, man-lizard. I dunno what I was thinking making him hairy. It just dawned on me now that that doesn’t make too much sense—what with him being covered in scales. Ah well—that’s why this is a sketch.

Finally, meet FLUX, whom I just designed a few days ago. He can teleport things—kinda like a remote control Nightcrawler. I see him as a leader, a stiff upper lip type.

And there you have it! Crazy sexy superheroes, all worthy to fight alongside Marvel’s mighty mutants—just too cool to do so. Haha. I’m sure by the time I’m ready to do another issue centered around these guys, I will have thought of a kabillion more characters to put on the team. Ah well, such is the life of a gay fan-boy. Oh, and if this post looks a little wonky, layout wise, sorry. Blogger is misbehaving. Why do the compose and preview windows look nothing like what’s actually published? >__<>

Eff Capcom

By | Capcom, rant, Street Fighter, video games | 3 Comments
Warning: Nerdy Rant Below

Yesterday, I caught the review X-Play did on Street Fighter Alpha Anthology. I was really excited to see what they had to say about it because I like X-Play’s in-depth, hard-hitting, no-nonsense game reviews. However, I was dissappointed to see that they gave SFA Anthology the most glossed-over, sugar-coated review ever. All they said was, “We like Street Fighter,” over and over and reminisced about the old games included in SFA Anthology.

Anyone who really likes Street Fighter will not like SFA Anthology because, duh, they already own all the games. I’m sick to death of all these candy-ass reviews heralding SFA Anthology as the best thing since sliced bread. You already own these games! Why go out and buy them again?

Yes, I want a new Street Fighter but I’ll take what I can get, like most Street Fighter fans out there. Give us just a tidbit of new content, and we’ll eat it up– even if 98% of the rest of the game is recycled (cough cough Capcom Fighting Evolution cough).

The supposed new content on this Anthology is apparently the new ISMs. But get this, the new ISMs are only available to certain characters. I was so excited at the possibility of playing with a Marvel-ized version of Blanka or Sagat. But no, we get Ryu. If I wanted to play with the Marvel-ized version of Ryu, I’d pop in X-Men vs. Street Fighter.

Or Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter.

Or Marvel vs. Capcom.

Or Marvel vs. Capcom 2!

See my point? We’ve seen it over and over again and if we’re real fans, we OWN the games already!

In addition to that little slap in the face, they also didn’t decide to include the PSP or GBA versions of Alpha 3 which feature new characters and are essentially upgrades to Alpha 3. In truth, Street Fighter Alpha Anthology isn’t really an anthology because these games aren’t included.

I urge anyone who is thinking about buying this game to simply pull out whatever version of Street Fighter Alpha 3 they own and just play that. I mean, it just makes me mad because I want to buy it just to show the world that there are still people who like and want 2D fighters. But I should want to buy it to PLAY it, not to make a statement. And nothing about this game makes me want to play it.

That is all.

Streets of Rage Reborn

By | Fan Art, muscles, video games | 6 Comments
ZEKE: So, here are the finishes on those Streets of Rage characters. I’m still in disagreement with JC over his decision to make them non-pornographic, but he promises that if I’m good, he might make hot butt-nekkid cum-soaked versions of them. So let’s all keep our fingers crossed, shall we?

He switched it up a little on us by coloring these hotties in marker. He felt that he was relying too heavily on digital tools. But as you can very well see, he ended up ploppin’ them into Photoshop anyway– and the addition of only a few minor digital details turned into an 8-day Photoshop marathon. Oh wait, sorry. He wants me to tell you all it was only 4 days.

Blaze is cute… I envy her streetwalker outfit. Fuggin’ little slut. But let’s talk about the guys, Axel and Adam. I told JC to wipe those ridiculous fruity smiles off their faces (as they had in the original line drawings.) Damn him for making these studs clothed! Now it’s harder to fantasize. Ooh, if I got in the middle of a fuck-train with these two, we’d be a gradient!

Holiday Update

By | Fan Art, muscles, rant, video games | 4 Comments
ZEKE: JC keeps bugging me to update the blog. I tell him, I have nothing new to write about and that you freaks can fuggin’ sit tight and wait till I have somethin’ to say…

JC: You have a lot to learn about bloggin, Zeke. First off, you need to update it often so people actually come back. Secondly, you can’t call your readers “freaks.”

ZEKE: As you can see, this genius thought of the sterling idea of us sharing the blog. Whatever. So what are you so anxious to blog about, my brilliant creator?

JC: Just what I’ve been up to these past few weeks. As you know, I traveled to Poland for a little over a week to visit in-laws. Krakow was beautiful architectually– but I wasn’t really into the weather.

ZEKE: Didja get lucky? Any Polish sausage stories?!

JC: None other than with my partner.

ZEKE: Yawn. Monogamy is for the weak. So what was the highlight of your trip?

JC: Discovering that the A.T.O.M. second season came out and is airing in Europe now! The animation is better and more homo-erotic than ever! Seriously, someone on staff at those studios is totally dropping subtle hints all over the place on that show. The male characters are all over each other– and there are bulge and ass shots on a constant basis!

ZEKE: Yeah, I’ve screwed them all. That Hawk guy was tiiight! We went through a whole tube of KY.

JC: Arighty then. My partner’s 12 year old cousin bought me some toys of the show. They don’t sell them in the states. And It’s still up in the air whether they’ll air 2nd season here or not. Ah well. In return, I offered to draw something for the kid. He asked for Lara Croft. I tried to make her look like Angelina.

ZEKE: Nice. That’ll get the kid through puberty. What else did you draw? Any porn?

JC: Not really. I was really in the mood to draw Streets of Rage (Bare Knuckle) characters. Of course, redesigned a little. Here you’ll see the line art for Adam, Axel, and Blaze.

ZEKE: What’s up with the modest bulges?

JC: Gimmie a break, man! These are mainstream characters! Do I have to turn everything I draw into gay porn?

ZEKE: Ooh, speaking of mainstream characters going gay, did you read X-Factor 14? They’ve confirmed Rictor and Shatterstar!

JC: Well sorta… the subject was danced around. But I will admit, it was pretty frank– moreso than they’ve been in the past.

ZEKE: You know what this means, right? Now I have to find Rictor and Shatterstar and shag them… even though they are like B-list characters.

JC: B-list would be generous. I’d say they’re lke C-list. But in other news, I’d like to announce that I just had my 27th birthday.

ZEKE: Oh, did you get laid?

JC: No, I got a puppy. Actually my partner and I have been preparing for this addition to our little family for months now. It was coincidence that the puppy was ready to come home around the same time as my birthday.

ZEKE: But you didn’t keep the little furrball around didja?

JC: No. After a few days, we realized we just really aren’t dog people. So Rush is back with his real family in Long Island. He was a very cute puppy though. I’ll miss him.

ZEKE: Ugh, another non-pornographic blog post. I can’t believe I let you do this. Take my name off this thing. It’s friggin’ lame.

JC: Hell no, buddy! You wanted it, now it’s yours!

Hostile Takeover

By | Anti-Heroes, muscles, rant, wet, xxx, Zeke | 5 Comments
Merry Christmas Eve, all my little cock-worshipping toon heads. I’ve got a little surprise for you. I, ZEKE, physic gigolo extraordinaire, have taken over this little blog. From now on, I’ll be in charge of all postings and all comments will be answered by moi.
What happened to JC, you ask? He’s unharmed… I guess. Right now, he’s bound and gagged, shivering in the corner of his living room. HAHAHA! Am I kidding? I suppose you’ll never know. Seriously though, I had to stop him. His next post was going to be some masturbatory block of text about his top 10 favorite movies. I says to him, I says, “People don’t come here to read about your self-indulgent rantings. They come here to see me. Me and my penis.” I actually asked JC how to rename this thing, “THE AWESOME BLOG OF ZEKE AND HIS AWESOME COCK,” but he wouldn’t tell me. So I’ll continue with the Anti-Heroes title.

So I’m sure all my fans want to know all about me and I thought what better way than to post that queer-ass “Getting to Know You” survey Caleb e-mailed me yesterday.

1. What time did you get up this morning?
Well, my weiner was up all night, as usual. But I didn’t wake up officially till 1pm.

2. What did you have for breakfast?

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Bukkake Boy-Sluts 12. Of course, that was at the adult theater. I don’t go to the legitimate movie theater because they don’t let you masturbate. Fascists.

4. What foods do you dislike?
Um… fish tacos.

5. Favorite item of clothing?
I have these fuschia undies that have a cock-ring built in.

7. What is your favorite TV show?
The program on the nature channel where they show animals fucking. You ever see hippos go at it?

8. What happened to number 6?
This shit is not funny.

9. Favorite sandwich?

10. Favorite Adult Beverage?
Can I say semen again?

11. Coke or Pepsi?
You’re gay.

12. What was your most memorable birthday?
2 years ago, when I turned 21 for the third time. My party was at this club called Ballsweat. I broke my most guys fucked in one night record and had ice-cream cake.

13. What characteristics do you despise?
Nose hair.

14. What is your favorite mp3 at the moment?
2 Live Crew – C’mon Babe

15. What color is your bathroom?
I refuse to answer stupid questions.

16. Favorite book?
Bukkake Boy-Sluts 7. Yeah, it’s a book too. Chapter 4 is particularly descriptive.

17. If you could go anywhere on vacation where would you go?
Tyson Beckford’s ass.

18. What fabric detergent do you use?
Fuck u.

19. Do you have any pets?
Does my dick count?

20. Favorite sport?

21. What is your shoe size?
8″ uncut

22. Where were you born?
In the ocean, spawned of the foam from the mighty Zeus’ severed phallus.

23. When was the last time you cried?
20 minutes ago.

24. Qualities of person who sent this to you?
Caleb is geek and an asshole because he won’t let me photograph his wang.

25. Who taught you to Copy & Paste?
Ugh, fuck u again.

There you have it. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Note that JC is going to Poland for the holidays and will have limited access to the internet. Not that that has anything to do with this blog becasue I, ZEKE have taken it over. Yep.

Recent Update

By | Anti-Heroes, Fan Art, hairy, Marvel, muscles, Tai, wet, X-Men, xxx | 10 Comments
Last night, I updated my Anti-Heroes site with a ton of new stuffs. Thought I’d mention all of it here just in case.

First, you’ll notice two new X-Men remixes: Nightcrawler and Cyclops. I friggin’ LOVE Nightcrawler. He’s just the cutest thing in Marvel comics, hands down. I hate how they have him studying to be a priest though. Lame. I liked the swash-buckling, smooth-talking, happy-go-lucky blueboy from the old days.
And next on good-ol’ Cyke, I chose to make him pretty damned sexy because I’m sick of people hating on him so. I feel like all my buddies who like the series all hate Scotty. I don’t mind the guy. I think he’s an important character. I wish that they’d make more fun of how he moves from one X-telepath to the next though. (Jean, Psylocke, Emma)

Then, I whipped up a little present for my boy, Patrick Fillion. Here we got Space Cadet! I originally wanted to do Demios but shyed away because I’m gonna do demons in an issue of Anti-Heroes. This Space Cadet drawing is one of few that I’ve peciled in non-photo blue. Blue pencil is good to work in because the theory is that xerox, cameras, and scanners don’t pick up the blue. That’s in theory though. My scanner picked it up. But, I will say that cleaning the blue out was much easier than cleaning out graphite.

Finally, I’ve posted the censored version of one of the new splash pages I did for Anti-Heroes#3. I put the sketch up months ago and had been working on the colors ever since. I like the way it came out. I definitely recommend starting a drawing and then coming back to it weeks later. It almost feels like touching up someone else’s work. You end up looking at it with totally new eyes.

Why is it censored? Well, this is my incentive to get folks to buy my comix. This is the first in a series of teasers I’m going to give people for issue 3 of Anti-Heroes.

Top 10 Hot Male Toonz

By | anthro, classic cartoons, rant, Top 10 | 10 Comments
If you haven’t guessed by now that I’m a cartoon buff, then… I dunno… WISE UP! I likes me toons.
There were tons of overtly sexual female cartoon characters over the years– but you don’t really see that with male ones. So, I decided to make a list of the ones I thught were hot. True, most of them weren’t intentionally sexual. But I was a perv and chose to find it everywhere.

10) Battletoads – This is more here for my BF than for me. I avoided these guys when I was a kid becasue I thought they were too much of a Ninja Turtles ripoff– (and their NES game sucked ass.) But I will admit, they had some hot bods… for a trio of frog men, that is.

9) Prince Lotor – He was the villian in Voltron. You’ll find throughout this list that I have a thing for the villians– the bad boys. I dunno what it was– maybe because I tried so hard to be good, I felt like liking the villians was somehow living vicariously through them. Anyhoo– Lotor was definetely intended to be attractive. But that cunt Princess Allura always turned down his affactions! I woulda married ya, Lotor! Especially with that incredibly monotone American voice actor they had for him! Remember that? I loved it!

8) Panthro – Yeah, when people talk about the Thundercats, all you hear is how friggin’ hot Cheetara was. Okay, yeah, she was stacked. Too bad the men weren’t! I remember thinking (even that young) that it was a travesty that none of the male T-cats had bulges. Somehow though, Panthro seemed less neutered than the rest of them. Maybe it was the voice– or his attitude. He just seemed more manly. He also used to kinda curse (Dang-Blast-it!)

7) Duffman – Yes, I am including some contemporary characters on this list. I have to admit, I was never all, “Ooh, I wanna screw Duffman!” But of all the Simpsons characters, if I had to make it with one, it’d be him. haha. Of course, not until I’ve had a couple beers!

6) James Bond Jr. – No, I’m not making this up. This was a cartoon that used to come on early in the morning in the 90’s. And yes, it’s exactly as it sounds… James Bond as a teenager: suave, womanizing, slutty, James Bond! In every episode there was some different chick he was talkin’ to. He was a player! And his themesong was like, “He’s got a job to do… while he rescues a girl!” Good ol’ cartoon misogynism!

5) Bumblebee – While all the other boys were idolizing Optimus Prime and Megatron, I was the kid always rooting for more Bumblebee airtime on Transformers. I thought he was so adorable. Yeah, he was a robot who could turn into a VW bug, but behind that metal exterior beat the heart of a needy, young, over-achiever. (ok, maybe that was taking it too far). But I did find him sweet for some reason. I also liked Starscream and Soundwave and secretly wanted them to take Bumblbee away and have their way with him!

4) The Cobra Twins – Tomax and Xamot, of G.I. Joe. Yes, the twin fetish was alive in me even 20+ years ago. They struck me as queer even back then. Maybe because I thought they were French. (American kids think all gay things are French.) I thought it was hot how they finished each other’s sentences and how if one got punched, the other felt the pain as well. I wonder if that worked the other way around? Like if you were blowing one and he spooged, would the other one just randomly orgasm too?

3) Gaston – From Beauty and the Beast. “No one’s slick as Gaston, No one’s quick as Gaston, No one’s neck’s as incredibly thick as Gaston’s.” I was sitting in the theater like, “That’s right, sing it, baby!” What the hell?! A Disney song about a hot guy reeling in his own sexiness?! Ok, I’ll take it. And the best part was when he goes, “As you see I’ve got biceps to spare / And ev’ry last inch of me’s covered with hair!” And then he rips open his shirt and shows off his hairy chest equisitely rendered way past the standard of everything else the movie.

2) Shark – On ATOM (Alpha Teens on Machines.) I can’t plug this cartoon enough. It’s really well designed. (and the characters look like mine!) And they also draw the male characters shirtless all the time and there are even some suggestive scenes thrown in here and there. Like when Shark stole Hawk’s underwear when they were swimming. It’s really fun. I urge more people to get into it (so I can find some slash art of it online someday– bwahaha.)

1) Launchpad – How did Launchpad make #1? I dunno– he’s always had a special place in my heart. Again, I didn’t think he was sexy, per se, becasue I was a little too young to think that at the time. But I do remember being very drawn to his image: the masculine chin, the height, the rippling chest. He was the REAL MAN of Duckburg! He was also the only one who wore pants too– think about that!

He was only cute on DuckTales though. When they put him on Darkwing Duck, they de-sexified him and made him all squat and balding. I was really mad about that. Yes, I know, he’s a mutha-freakin’ DUCK! But it was his image, man! I almost became a pilot becasue of Launchpad.

Feel free to comment, make additions, or tell me I’m psychotic.

Colossus REMIX

By | Fan Art, Marvel, muscles, X-Men, xxx | 10 Comments
So after a few weeks of feeling super-guilty for not having posted porn here for almost a month since I started the thing, I’ve finally uploaded something I’m sure all you fanboys will enjoy: the X-Rated version of my Colossus Remix!

As many of you know, I redesigned all my favorite mutants with cute, ostentatious, bulgy, breasty, hippy costumes. Then, I made pornographic versions of the male ones, starting with Northstar and Banshee. Continuing the theme, I animated the stills in Flash with Beast, Wolverine, Gambit, and Angel.

Next up was Colossus. I was always pretty happy with my original base drawing for the Colossus Remix. So, I was thrilled to finally get to the X-Rated version. But then, I noticed that his pose is super-similar to another Colossus drawing I did years ago. I’ve been really conscious of trying to avoid repitition in my pin-ups lately, so I almost went back and redrew the original base for Colossus Remix. But then I was like, “Fuck that, too much work.” So yeah, I’m aware that I’ve almost directly ripped myself off with this one and while that does bother me a little, I remind myself that the remixed one goes well in the series.

And yeah, I know his weenie is pretty frightening. Well, the thing is– it’s gonna HAVE to be bigger than all the rest of the guys simply becasue… duh, it’s Colossus. We just won’t think about who’s gonna take that thing. (poor Kitty!)

Paper Dolls

By | Capcom, cutesy, Fan Art, muscles, old works, Street Fighter, video games | 8 Comments

I have a few younger siblings and growing up, we were all into toys. But the problem was, they never made toys of the things we liked. So for as long as I can remember, I’ve made paper dolls for myself and my sibs.

I remember some of the really early ones I did were freaky. Like for instance, when I was like 8, I made my own Masters of the Universe paper dolls. I don’t have them anymore but I remember they had really short legs and big loin cloths. I also made some of the KoopaKids and made up a mom for them who was basically Jessica Rabbit with a turtle head. My parents saw that and were grossed out.

In my teen years, I got really into it and started laminating them so when we played with them they wouldn’t tear. I came across them recently while going through my old stuff. These are of Mega Man and Street Fighter characters. I took liberties on some of the characters and in a lot of cases, drew them how I wished they looked.

The link to all these guys is here:

Geez, don’t you hate it when you go to a porn blog and get all excited to see that there’s a new post only to get let down when it’s some crap that’s not porn? HAW HAW. I’ll post somethin’ sexy next time– promise.

Stop Fakin’ on Toad!

By | anthro, cutesy, Fan Art, Nintendo, rant, Toad (Nintendo), video games | 11 Comments
Thanks to everyone for the positive response to my 1st post. Now, on to some random esoteric rantings.

What’s up with Nintendo dissing my boy Toad lately?! He’s not playable Mario Hoops and is reduced to a race in MarioStrikers! Maaan, these were the 2 games I’ve sooo been wating for! Ever since Acme All Stars , I’ve been wanting a soccer or basketball game featuring cute characters I like with cool moves and powers.

And what do they do? Downplay the coolest character they ever came up with! I’m sorry, how does DAISY get a spot on MarioHoops and not Toad? Toad is one of the first! That’s who everyone picked to beat Mario2! And he was the man in the old Mario Cartoon, too.

So yeah, if anyone at Nintendo is reading this, note that I am not buying any more Mario games until Toad is playable again.